Just a general comment right up front. Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care. Starting your intro to the AH forum with insults is one way to announce to the community that you don't care for anyone on it, but you do hold yourself in high esteem. That's usually not a winning combination.
I've read and listened to a wide range of opinions on sub-woofers here and how to improve their performance. There are some real deal experts on subs who hang out here and provide great advice. I have made several sub purchases based on their recommendations and couldn't be more pleased. As of right now, I don't recall any of the sub experts (
@shadyJ are you listening?) telling me I need to buy rubber feet. In fact, you seemed to have gone out and bought rubber feet without doing any homework at all except for seeing a single opinion that said they might help. Who's the numbnuts there?
Finishing up your fine first post with a list of your qualifications is sort of wasted boast. If you start with an insult as your "hi, I'm new here", nobody gives a crap about your supposed credentials.