ideally sub $1k. 800-$1,500 in reality. 55-60 inch. I tend to find a really good product outside of my price range, and follow it till it drops to an affordable price. Im not opposed to led, but i would really like smething that will be as good as my plasma.
Normally plasma owners gravitate towards OLED so your price will be pushed closer to the $1500 limit.
I think the CX is right there at that price. The A8H is a little more. With tax and potential protection plans, they are likely out of your range. I'm not familiar enough with the BX to say if it's good compromise. Maybe with 2021 lineups coming soon, there will be better price drops.
For LCD, I'd vote for Sony 950H. The 900H is a step down and has more gaming future proofing (although I think 2.1 is overrated) but I think the 950 is better enough from PQ perspective that I'd still pick it even as a gamer. A high quality HDR performance is a better experience to me, and 60fps with better graphics is great still.
Samsung Q80 would be somewhere around 900H level but last I heard, samsung has issues with game mode having bad PQ. Also, no DV is meh for me.
One thing, these are all 55" TVs. If there is even a of potential you might prefer 60-65 in your room/distance, be wary of buyer's remorse. Of course, I think I'd rather have quality over size whe talking about tv.