If you could find a Denon 3600 new for that $1150 or under JMO you need to jump on that.
Great idea getting L/R first and adding. Both SVS and Paradigm have 3 way center channels.
Cheers. That would've been a great buy. I've looked everywhere but wasn't able to come up with any X3600H units. I'd have taken one, as it looks perfect for my purposes. I was also checking Yamaha, but there aren't many available to me in-store or online. As such, here are my top-3 receiver options (Canadian dollars):
Yamaha RX-V6A: $780 (tax not inc, long lead-time); 100W/channel @8Ω, 20hz-20khz, 0.06%THD, 360W total
Denon AVR-S960H: $899 (tax not inc); 90W/channel @8Ω, 20hz-20khz, 0.08%THD, 460W total
Denon AVR-X2700H: $1200 (inc tax); 95W/channel @8Ω, 20hz-20khz, 0.08%THD, 500W total
Denon AVR-X3700H: $1900 (inc tax); 105W/channel @8Ω, 20hz-20khz, 0.08%THD, 660W total
The jury's still out, but I'm leaning toward the X2700H because I think the $700 would be better spent on speakers than the differences between a 2700 and a 3700. For sure the 3700 looks great for several reasons, and would keep me comfortable for at least ten years, but hopefully the 2700 would as well, considering it'll take me a while to get to 5.1, and even longer to get to 7.2.
Unless there's something more I'm missing. I see a bit more watts, a couple extra speaker outputs, pre-amp support, and some Audyssey stuff... would I even outgrow the 2700, I'm wondering?
The A100 am not particularly familiar with, but for a 10 year old model seems a high price; my Denon 4520 is of similar power ratings, as is my 3808. If the connectivity and functionality work for you, it could be viable. Not familiar with the pricing you generally face, tho. The A1010 could be a better price for similar capability. Without warranty can figure into things along with really not knowing the history of a used unit. One great rule to keep in mind is it takes a doubling of power for a 3dB level difference....not a lot so most avrs are really within the same range, usually doesn't vary but by 1-2 dB.
Thanks, that's revealing information. I checked the specs of your units, and they seem really good. I understand decibels is a logarithmic scale, so it takes lots of power to increase dBs. (And volume/sound pressure isn't everything.) This makes it seem like the reach for more advanced receivers is less a matter of watts, and more about the overall build. For example, the S960H and X2700H are only 5W apart in power per channel driven, but there are other considerations, such as components used, which increase quality and longevity. That, plus extra features put the X in a class above the S more than watts. This makes it difficult for the consumer to discern cost/value differences in units with similar channel support, such as 960/2700/3700. Essentially, there's more between those units than a mere 5-15 quantifiable watts. But hopefully, if I do go with the 2700, 95W/channel will be enough to drive an eventual 5.1 or 7.2 setup without coming up short. If not, then the extra $700 for the 3700 would be justified, unless I'm missing something.
I was looking at pre-owned units, but I'm feeling iffy about shelling out on something that could already have issues for all I know, even though there are some crazy eBay and craigslist finds, such as a local X3313CI for only $380 bucks/obo (125W/channel, 0.05%THD, and 670W total output). Hard to tell what shape it's in, but imagine it held up? I'd save coin and gain performance compared to a new 3700... It's stuff like that which makes a hard decision harder for me. I'm sure I could do a quick test, but it'd be easy for problems to hide until much later, and/or after I've gotten more speakers. I suppose worst case, I'd only be out about half a sub's worth of coin. But would a 10 year-old system sound as good as a current system?
For starter front speakers, these are what I'm looking at based on the above advice:
(Canadian dollars)
2x SVS Prime Towers: $1469 (inc tax)
2x SVS Prime Pinaccle Towers: $2351 (inc tax)
2x SVS Ultra Towers: $2939 (inc tax)
2x Paradigm Monitor SE 6000F: $1153 (inc tax)
2x Paradigm Monitor SE 8000F: $1998 (tax not inc)
2x Paradigm Premier 700F: $1998 (tax not inc)
2x Paradigm Premier 800F: $2498 (tax not inc)
2x Klipsch R-820F: $838 (inc tax)
Btw, KEFs are in the big-box stores around here, in similar price ranges. Do they stack up to the above?
Budget option would be the X2700H with the Klipschs (~$2k). Stretch goal would be the X3700H with one of the Premiers ($~3900-$4400). Or I could send it down the middle with the 2700 and either the 8000Fs or the 700Fs (~$3200). Not sure the superior of those two options there, the 8000Fs vs. 700Fs.
I'd better sleep on it. As mentioned previously, I'd like to add a centre unit and sub in the next step, and maybe after I recover a little from all this research. My head's swimming. Feels like I've been circling around for days, but I think I'm finally starting to get close to completing the first step. Thanks again for your guys' help.