Well, both parties are taking heat from all sides because too often "Centrist" means "Business as Usual" and that can lead to laziness when, as an elected official, you aren't facing the same problems as many others. Oh, and yes, nicer areas have higher rents. But, take LA or even SF. Some folks live an hour out of the city and drive in for that good paying job and save on rent. At the end of the day, they save nothing, what with the cost of fuel and owning a car in CA. Never mind the time lost commuting. If the help can't afford to live in the city or afford to commute to it, they are kinda' f#%ked. I know of some bitches in Beverly Hills that won't so much as drive their housekeeper to the corner to catch the f#%kin' bus. Unless you have lived in CA for any length of time, you have not seen how the very wealthy have priced out working people in very specific areas. Oh, and the ACA sucks, period. Helped some, hurt many others.