I am a complete 70 yr old newbie when it comes to Audyssey. I have exhausted myself by reading through as many pages of this thread and others as i can, to help get some sort of grip on the subject. Many things i've read here, have helped greatly and i appreciate the info that has found it's home here. With that being said, i have a few things that i am just not grabbing well and hope for some clarification from you Guru's.
I have recently purchased a new Denon S750H with MultEQ (5.1 set-up). I came from a bit lower model, S540BT with basic calibration, so this is my first encounter with Audyssey. I have run MultEQ several times to ensure it was done correctly and with all the other settings to go along with it, the outcome does sound reasonable.
Here's the confusing part.................
With MultEQ enabled, say for music streaming, the sound i get does seem ok but when experimenting, if i turn EQ off, the fronts sound like crap and are barely neglible at the same master volume level. Rears are overpowering the listening position, maybe because i sit so close to the surrounds (no choice here.)
Why are my fronts so quiet?? Is this normal Audyssey function? I use Reference EQ, Dynamic EQ and Dynamic Volume.
My room is small and cramped (11x13) with overstuffed furniture and the layout of the room does not allow for few other choices for speaker placement other than what i have chosen. Audyssey set my levels at a much lower level than what i am accustom to. I have attached pics of the fronts and rears, that was taken a few months back just after installation,
prior to making any toe-in adjustments.
Fronts are Klipsch R51m's, center is Klipsch 25C, rears are Klipsch B-200's, sub is Klipsch R-10SW. All speakers are set at 80hz, Small, and LPF 120hz (Audyssey set fronts at 40hz and center at 60hz) . Also includes Levels Audyssey has set. Any help, suggestions or confirmation that i'm not missing something, is greatly appreciated.