Great article, and the timing is perfect. you made me feel great because of all the sweat, blood, curses, and alcohol that went into my project. I started with a lot of research, then AV acquisition, remodeling, including wiring new dedicated circuits, 3 pair of ceiling speaker installs, moving 1 sub to concealed corner, led downlights, drywall repairs, paint, carpet, building a acoustically dead entertainment center from semi-custom cabinetry (Lowes, MDF reinforcement, and lots of hidden thermafiber), and on and on. Getting to the point where the actual new components will be hooked up (this weekend) to 3 visible speakers (2 D11s +DT 9060) via a Marantz SR7015 + Marantz MM7025, and Sony X900H TV. A lot was sourced from AAFES, which used to be THE place to buy quality...not so much any more. You and yours helped me reach a better understanding of how to begin my journey from cheap Sony amp and mediocre speakers that did nothing much except clutter up the space. Now its time to convince the wife that the curtains hanging in front of the three family room windows behind the audience need to go (Honey, I will pay for the good stuff). Also trying to figure out how to deaden the left wall from reflected sound without conflict. Not alot I can do about the right side half wall.
Thanks for all the info on the Marantz product line (funny, finally able to purchase the 2020 model in OCT) as well as the Definitive Tech info and the heads up about Blue Jeans wiring (quad banana plugs bundled in a thick cable are sweet, subwoofer cable is also very nice). I will upgrade from the Klipsh ceiling speakers as I clear the zero percent debt.