Thanks for all the help so far.
Here is a screenshot of some very conservative numbers I put in the SPL applet:
View attachment 40494
As you can see those are not the volumes I can tolerate or intend to listen at.
Having said that can I get advice which would you recommend from below 3 and why?
1. Outlaw setup ($2700 USD)
- 3 x Outlaw 2220 for LCR
- Outlaw 5000x for surrounds
- Outlaw 5000x for heights
2. Outlaw and Monolith combo ($2710 USD)
- Outlaw 7000x for heights (will be initially used for a few months for LCR and surrounds)
- Monolith 7x for main and surrounds
3. Marantz ($3500 USD)
- Marantz MM8077 for the floor speakers
- Marantz MM7055 for the height speakers
Also, see this review of AVR vs. pre/pro, (skip to 8:10
) its obvious in real world test the pre/pro is winning. Specs. are not everything, you can tell me how an Android phone has very high end specs. but that doesn't doesn't translate into a superior user experience. I deal with engineers all day long and business folks and always have to ask my engineers why what they think is an issue or a feature that is important translate into superior end user experience for the consumer. An apple phone with lesser spec. HW could provide a more superior experience vs. an Android phone. Likewise these days you can now make the same argument for an Android phone vs. Apple with higher spec. HW.
It's not about how big your stick is, but how well you use your stick and get the most use of it. This may mean the stick could also go unused if I never crank it that high

All options end up idling at least one amplifier channel. So just pick the one that costs less I guess.
Pre/pro is winning in real world test, but that's subjective tests.
That gentleman in the video talking about something magic..., afaic, its more like he's imagining things because he's told those things, such as, expectation, Placebo, hearsay effects, all added up for him. To me, real world tests are those with bench measurements, for science/engineering based products, there are real cause and effects that are measurable. If measurements show the prepro did worse in all the important tests than an AVR, then it doesn't matter what subjective reviewers say, think or believe, especially when they know what they are listening to, that is, not done in DBT. If you are interested, you may want to view Dr. Toole's video on how to do comparison listening tests.
I do believe the Marantz AVPs, especially the AV8805 (I still have my AV8801, and a few other Marantz products)
are good solid pieces, just not good values, but what that gentleman said in the video, imo, is good for entertainment only.
By the way, what the calculator shows will not be as loud as you may think, because
1) Most movies don't push all 11 speakers to the same level all the time.
2) Your speakers are not 8 ohm nominal (the calculator is based on 8 ohm), Paradigm claimed 8 Ohm compatible, to me they are more like 5 to 6 ohm nominal. Good thing is, they have benign phase angles and sensitivity is good, so still relatively easy to drive by an AVR, just won't be as loud as what the calculator show you.
I would say in real world use, you may get quite close to reference level, that is, 85/105 +/- 2 dB SPL, still very loud for most people. I listen to 75/95 dB at the most.
So here you go again, let me say it for the last time, in your application you could have saved money going with a AVR-X4500H (about the same vintage as the AV7705) and get better results by acquiring a good ATI, or Anthem 3 channel power amp for the LCR, and let the AVR drive the surround and Atmos speakers.
If it was me, since we are in 2020 now, I would trade the AV7705 (if you can't sell it for a good price) in for an AVR-X4700H (ignore the sales rep as he may think you are crazy..).
Lastly, I highly recommend you read some of those ASR reviews such as this one:
ASR review AVR-X4700H
Sorry if came across as not sensitive to the obvious fact that you already bought the 7705 and believe in what those subjective review said. I just can't help to think that it is not too late to start paying attention to the objective findings, and reap the benefits of some of the features offered in the 2020 models at the same time. Like others, adtg, hd etc., I can say, been there done that..