@theJman Jim....your obsession with budget subwoofers is also one of mine (mainly because of a very tight budget...but lets overlook that..haha!). Here is my problem/challenge. Remodeled my basement and ran into more than a few "unexpected" money sink holes, so it will be some time before I can step up to the big-boys in subwoofers. Right now, I'm looking at keeping my sub budget under $300. Would you suggest a BIC PL-200II or something like 1 or 2 Dayton SUB-1200's? My space is a rec room in the basement, which is about 20'x25'. My seating area is about 12' from the front. 95% of the use will be for movies/TV....very very little music. Thoughts?
I will say, that the BIC F12 that I have had in service in my den (14'x14') has been outstanding and will rock the room, but I am always looking to try something different.