I used to help my grandmother when I was little. She had half her yard as a garden and grew all of her veggies and much of her own fruit. My grandparents even brewed their own root beer. I didn't appreciate it as much then but now I find it amazing. What I would give for he fresh jam.
So how long do whole turkeys last in a freezer?
Back behind my parents property are some woods. Pops found some wild concord grapes growing. He made the most incredible jelly with them. Never tasted any grape jelly like it. They also have a blackberry and blue berry patch. When we visit in season take the wife and kid to go picking. Nothing like blueberry pancakes:
2 cups self rising flour, 1Tbsp vanilla extract, 4 Tbsp sugar, 2Tbsp Veg oil, 2 eggs, 1 1/4 cup milk and mix in a shiteload of blueberries.
The turkeys are packed in brine so they don't get freezer burned. So I've gotten at least a year out of them. Two most likely. When you are getting 8lb turkey breast for $2....