No, you will have your original sub, not two. We are referring to active as an onboard amp within the enclosure (plate amp) and passive outboard power source (power amp sitting on a rack or shelf to power the sub). The Parts Express example is a plug and play option for actively repowering your Snell subwoofer. With minimal additional effort, attaching the 5 way binding posts(speaker wire inputs) to the Snell cabinet and an outboard amp would be a more long-term solution. Many folks would be using the Crown XLS for such a purpose as the high, low, and bandpass crossovers built into those amps are pretty simple and easy to use and perfect for subwoofer repowering. Some laud QSC as well for that purpose. Just match an amp to provide the 300ish or so watts into 4 ohms for that sub. By the way, any of these options will no longer support the cool back-lit volume knob on top of the cabinet....
Also, to answer your original question- Yes, I think it is completely worth it to repower that sub. For a 10" sub that was made 10+ years ago, it is pretty impressive. Originally about $1500 when new, you can repower it for $250-$350. It walks all over any current 10" sub you could buy for $250-$350. Believe me, the Polk, BIC, and Klipsch in that price range don't even compare to the quality of that Snell.