I have tinnitus as well. I also went to a ent specialist, was told to live with it. Yeah, right, not much pro help there. On my own, I have totally changed my diet, and routine. I have SIGNIFICANTLY lowered my symtoms! For what's it's worth to you, I have been eating clean food,eg; almost all organic if you can afford it, or believe in organics, I now do not drink alcohol, or smoke cigarettes, for both going on 30+yrs. I found that excercise, along with good suppliments, ( do your research on those first.) Went a long way for my self healing. I currently take ginco biloba, which helps with opening up the micro blood vessels in your body. Have your blood pressure checked as well. I found that discarding all extra sugar & salt has GREATLY reduced my symptoms, and intensity of noise. Also, the use of L-arginine to open up your blood vessels, to get the nutrients to the problem areas. It may take a while for it to take effect, but don't give up on it. Everybody is different, this may not work for you, but, what I described works for me. Very well in fact that I now " forget" that I have tinnitus. Yes I know everybody has their own views, and opinions, but don't give up, or give into it. I believe that YOU are the best expert on yourself. No doctor knows you better than you. Remember, doctors rely on what YOU tell them about your symptoms in order to make recommendations for treatment. Also, try acupuncture, if you are able to. Remember, 99% of the cure is in all of us. Keep researching, and live a much cleaner (dietwise) lifestyle. It WILL make a difference. I can now enjoy my music far more clearer than before. Good luck, and keep at it, keep track of the changes that work, or not. You will notice a difference. Please stay on top of that pain. That, is not normal. Thanks for reading my 2 cents worth. Stay safe.