@Pogre , Yes, the Crown one, atleast prompts the user to add the headroom explicitly and is better than homestead , while the homestead relies on user's understanding to add the peak manually into the calculator . For eg, a headroom of 20db translates to a 100 fold power increase .., a big difference in amp/AVR requirement and yet the homestead takes it for granted ,relying on User's understanding of such topics.
The gap with Crown is that , its also based on 8 Ohm.., and doesnt account for speakers with other sensitivities. There's whole bunch of 4Ohm speakers(like MartinLogans and speakers that consistently drop below 4-5 Ohms)...and the homestead one is going to get it plain wrong for those. Becos you need to double the power required for 4 Ohm(vs 8 Ohm).
With homestead , we're actually expecting people to be more knowlegeable about all these , relying on them to factor in speaker impedence, headroom etc and trial & error process manually..
Homestead asks for speaker sensitivity , SPL level , boundary gain too... Its not like it does it auto-magically ;-)