I spent some time with the Ultra's, comparing them mainly with my late and perhaps lamented Affordable Accuracy monitor. I of course took measurements, which pretty much matched this guy's and what I heard. I don't think there's any question that the U-shaped curve conforms to a Company Sound. By suppressing the lower and mid treble, it's possible to provide a spacious sound at the cost of losing presence and detail, particularly on brass instruments. This kind of sound pleases a lot of people, and it's fairly common (check out the JBL 890:
https://www.soundstagenetwork.com/measurements/jbl_l890/) It's still a form of coloration, however, and I personally think it's better to obtain spaciousness through broad horizontal dispersion, and not monkey with the response. BTW, It's kind of misleading to characterize the Ultra's response as +/- 2.5 dB. That spec implies that the response deviates 2.5 db above and below the average output or trend line. That's not the case here. The trend is arguably at the top of the plot, and the dip hits -5 dB at the trough. The absence of peaks is admirable, but in essence we're really looking at a 5 dB dip, and that will be quite audible.