

Audioholic Samurai
Sad, about the little girl.
Happy, about the thief being caught.
I was really hoping she'd make it and be a part of some positive news.

When first reactions settled we came to realise we were lucky to have an earthquake in early morning hours when no one is walking close to those old buildings. We could have had many more injured.


Seriously, I have no life.
This morning the numbers I heard were about 30,000 cases in the US and around 400 deaths from the CoronaVirus.
What is frustrating me is that I cannot find anywhere that specified how many people have been tested! This is an obvious lapse in the data being provided!
Does anyone know where I can find this information?
I suspect that since the tests are probably largely being used on people with symptoms that the number of cases would be very high as a percentage of the number of tests, but it would be nice to get some idea and be able to know how many tests are administered each day as well as seeing the increased levels of testing grow as availability increases.
I called Aurora yesterday to find out if/where I can be tested and was asked if I had any obvious symptoms and that they're testing more serious cases, rather than everyone because the kits are in such short supply.


Seriously, I have no life.
Fortunately, my previously mentioned children who were planning to travel have both grounded themselves.

Sometimes I wonder about the accuracy of the tests. For example, in New Mexico they're not testing anyone without symptoms and recommended by an MD, yet out of 5386 tests there were only 65 positives as of this morning. That is difficult to believe.

Idaho has tested 1365 people as of last Friday, again only those showing symptoms, and have merely 47 cases in the state as of last Friday.

I realize these are sparsely populated states, but the positive ratios look very low.
You need to realize that these states are sparsely populated for a reason- the people don't want to live where the population is dense and they tend to interact with fewer people, in smaller groups. If they don't leave their area and few enter, the chance of catching this is slim and in some areas, close to zero.


Audioholic Spartan
I urge you to read this piece by a Republican veteran.
In watching the update last night during the dinner hour his inability to speak like a true leader was quite evident. The subsequent speakers where far more articulate. I'll wait on final judgement once this mess is behind us, after all, playing Monday morning quarterback shouldn't start on Saturday........


Audioholic Field Marshall
So I'm in a bit of a pickle RN. The Health Department called me today saying they are lifting my quarantine tomorrow despite I still tested positive last Friday. They claim the new CDC guidelines states if a patient is asymptomatic for 5 days (no fever), they are no longer infectious even if a positive test result persists. They claim this is especially true since my wife tested negative. My medical doctor thinks my RA may partly explain why I'm still testing positive for COVID-19. She argues I'm still a contagious risk to anyone I have contact with. I also read this can remain active in your feces for up to 5 days. The Health Department refuses to do any further COVID-19 testing on me. I do feel 95% better but I don't want to put anyone at risk. I feel like I should be pressing the Health Department to at least test me one more time in a few days to hopefully produce a negative test result. In the meantime, I'm still practicing isolation, using N95 masks and gloves, etc.

Any thoughts?
Err on the side of caution if you can afford to financially and psychologically.

That statement by Kudlow yesterday "difficult tradeoffs" tells me all I need to know about the direction we're heading.


Audioholic Samurai
Very true what a respected epidemiologist says for my country now; we lost the thread in the numbers game in the worst moment possible.

It appears a lot of people fled the capital after the earthquake heading for the shore. This is quite common here, our capital is the biggest single market so people come here to work, but many of them seek for a way to keep their coastal or mountain refuge for vacation.

Since our seismic centre says we're to expect activity for the next two months at least, many people decided to flee the capital after many interactions we all had after the quake. Now we just have to wait and see what develops in the next 12 days in order for any sane estmations.

EDIT: sorry for all the edits, I'm typing in gloves ::)


Audioholic Overlord
So I'm in a bit of a pickle RN. The Health Department called me today saying they are lifting my quarantine tomorrow despite I still tested positive last Friday. They claim the new CDC guidelines states if a patient is asymptomatic for 5 days (no fever), they are no longer infectious even if a positive test result persists. They claim this is especially true since my wife tested negative. My medical doctor thinks my RA may partly explain why I'm still testing positive for COVID-19. She argues I'm still a contagious risk to anyone I have contact with. I also read this can remain active in your feces for up to 5 days. The Health Department refuses to do any further COVID-19 testing on me. I do feel 95% better but I don't want to put anyone at risk. I feel like I should be pressing the Health Department to at least test me one more time in a few days to hopefully produce a negative test result. In the meantime, I'm still practicing isolation, using N95 masks and gloves, etc.

Any thoughts?
I think your instinct to continue isolating is wise. Perhaps these new tests will become more readily available and the tightening restrictions on who and how they test will ease by then.
Very glad to know you are close to the end of this!


Seriously, I have no life.
So I'm in a bit of a pickle RN. The Health Department called me today saying they are lifting my quarantine tomorrow despite I still tested positive last Friday. They claim the new CDC guidelines states if a patient is asymptomatic for 5 days (no fever), they are no longer infectious even if a positive test result persists. They claim this is especially true since my wife tested negative. My medical doctor thinks my RA may partly explain why I'm still testing positive for COVID-19. She argues I'm still a contagious risk to anyone I have contact with. I also read this can remain active in your feces for up to 5 days. The Health Department refuses to do any further COVID-19 testing on me. I do feel 95% better but I don't want to put anyone at risk. I feel like I should be pressing the Health Department to at least test me one more time in a few days to hopefully produce a negative test result. In the meantime, I'm still practicing isolation, using N95 masks and gloves, etc.

Any thoughts?
Gene, that is called playing by the rules and NOT the evidence. You are shedding virus, and so are infectious. I suspect, but of course can not prove, that this is related to your RA treatment. I don't think anyone can give you a definitive opinion on that, but it is a reasonable hypothesis. That is just another way of saying it is an educated guess, but still a guess.

What I can tell is that in just about any infectious disease, some individuals after recovery continue to shed the infectious agent for a period of time, and sometimes a very long time after recovery. Other past serious outbreaks of infectious disease have shown that these individuals are a particular hazard in keeping an outbreak going. In this regard episodes of typhoid fever especially come to mind.

The Chinese and Japanese, have shown there are a few people like you who continue to shed virus after clinical recovery. So I have to say you have hard evidence, that you are now what is known as a carrier. Your instincts to be cautious are correct.

Unfortunately I do not think we have an antibody test available in the US yet, but I might be wrong about that. I will look into it. The Chinese for sure are conducting antibody tests right now, to find out their level of herd immunity. A very likely reason your wife did not become ill is that she may well have caught the virus and not developed a clinical infection and is now immune. An antibody study by a blood test would show that.


Audioholic Samurai
Hm, it figures.
Now we have a ban on intercity travelling. You can make one last move to the place where your home address is and they you have to stay there. You can ask for a permit but these are issued for work related travelling and only if you work in one of the neccessary branches like pharmacy, food etc.


Seriously, I have no life.
Hm, it figures.
Now we have a ban on intercity travelling. You can make one last move to the place where your home address is and they you have to stay there. You can ask for a permit but these are issued for work related travelling and only if you work in one of the neccessary branches like pharmacy, food etc.
Consider yourself lucky. You have leadership with an IQ way above Dumf's!


Audioholic Samurai
Consider yourself lucky. You have leadership with an IQ way above Dumf's!
I didn't complain. A lot of praises went to our crisis headquarters. I just look at how it responds to what is going on. We still have only one dead, and we border with Italy and are very closer to Austria. Sadly, this number will surely change. We resist notably.


Audioholic Samurai
You always have such fun non sequiturs. You are generally clueless and don't have anything to contribute for audio so buh bye, you're ignored.
No surprise. It's what you do when faced with facts. And you're right. I am clueless how you can switch "beliefs" depending on who is in office.


Audioholic Samurai
Looking into it.. it looks like the assumptions above are exactly what's being played out right now.

Democrats are seeking additional funds for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (often short-handed as SNAP or food stamps), expanded worker protections and a wider expansion of the length for unemployment insurance. They are also seeking more expansive relief for student loan borrowers.

In other words: more protection for kids and workers.

Their objection is that the proposal includes roughly $500 billion in funds for loans and loan guarantees to be doled out to distressed companies, states and localities. What it doesn't include, however, are strict guidelines as to which companies would be eligible, guarantees that any company that taps the funding pool maintains its current workforce and the ability for the treasury secretary to waive, at his discretion, any restrictions on stock buybacks for recipients. It also doesn't require any reporting of which companies took loans until six months after the fact.

Given the behavior of the treasury secretary in the past; they are not looking to give him that sort of power to hand taxpayer dollars to corporations of his choosing with no rules and no oversight.
Well, you "suspect" and you "feel" pretty much sums it up. And if you will seriously "look it up", I suspect you need to go further than CNN and NBC.
Do you see where your above "wants" were included in the GM bailout?
Do you see where GM's bailout was due to their mismanagement, not mandated shutdowns?
Do you see a list of exec bonuses given because of the bailout?
Do you see where Pelosi's 1400 page Corona relief proposal includes:
- Zero sum carbon emissions for airlines by 2025?
- Wind and solar tax credits?
- Forgive US Postal Service existing debt?
- Same-day voter registration?
- $35M to the Kennedy Arts Center?
All of which is critical to individual relief for Corona impact, right? CNN isn't talking about the importance of these things? This is how concerned the Dems are about us, and how anxious they are to provide Corona relief.
One of the lib shills said I was clueless. He's right. I'm clueless why a critical relief package, where time is of the essence, in a climate of political animosity, would put all this known controversial stuff in their proposal, rather than simply focusing on citizen relief. But I'm even more clueless how intelligent people can regularly suspend their disbelief just because they hate Trump. Clueless? Guilty.
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Audioholic Ninja
Well, you "suspect" and you "feel" pretty much sums it up. And if you will seriously "look it up", I suspect you need to go further than CNN and NBC.
Do you see where your above "wants" were included in the GM bailout?
Do you see where GM's bailout was due to their mismanagement, not mandated shutdowns?
Do you see a list of exec bonuses given because of the bailout?
Do you see where Pelosi's 1400 page Corona relief proposal includes:
- Zero sum carbon emissions for airlines by 2025?
- Wind and solar tax credits?
- Forgive US Postal Service existing debt?
- Same-day voter registration?
- $35M to the Kennedy Arts Center?
All of which is critical to individual relief for Corona impact, right? CNN isn't talking about the importance of these things? This is how concerned the Dems are about us, and how anxious they are to provide Corona relief.
One of the lib shills said I was clueless. He's right. I'm clueless why a critical relief package, where time is of the essence, in a climate of political animosity, would put all this known controversial stuff in their proposal, rather than simply focusing on citizen relief. But I'm even more clueless how intelligent people can regularly suspend their disbelief just because they hate Trump. Clueless? Guilty.
I've tried hard to link what you've posted into what you are responding to but without success.

Do you believe part of what I posted was incorrect? Please specify which part and point out how it was incorrect. If possible, please link to a source establishing my error (though obviously if it's against a positive claim, the burden to support would be on me).


Audioholic Samurai
I'm pretty sure that the bailout will be far too focused on protecting the wealthy and not nearly enough at the individual.
You all turn socialist the moment stuff goes bad and big government the moment you are in power
I have never understood this logic. If we pay the workers, but the business closes for good, how does that help anybody? When Corona is gone, and the business is closed, what then? Permanent govt aid for all those workers? At what point does the business owner become "wealthy" and undeserving of help from the govt that made him close his business?

And we don't turn socialist. Conservatives believe govt/taxes should help people who are in need through no fault of their own, (like Corona). But if you are in need because of your own bad decisions, you should look to family and charities for help... not the govt. People must be responsible for their own decisions. We have tons of charities and churches who will help people that make bad decisions. It is not the job of the govt. So your claim that helping people in crisis is Socialism... well that's just wrong.


Audioholic Ninja
I have never understood this logic. If we pay the workers, but the business closes for good, how does that help anybody? When Corona is gone, and the business is closed, what then? Permanent govt aid for all those workers? At what point does the business owner become "wealthy" and undeserving of help from the govt that made him close his business?
Who proposed leaving the businesses (as a whole) to fail or succeed without assitance?

I support assistance to businesses. The democrats in congress to do (they want rules, conditions, and oversight).

Seems like you are hacking a strawman.

And we don't turn socialist. Conservatives believe govt/taxes should help people who are in need through no fault of their own, (like Corona).
But not cancer? Because you oppose universal healthcare. You oppose guaranteed sick leave. You support onerous conditions on what little welfare you begrudgingly admit you've failed to eliminate.

Lose your house to a sinkhole: Hope you had sinkhole insurance. What are we? Socialists that we should protect your house for you?

Hurricane takes out an entire city? We'd better get in there with government aid to everyone (especially the businesses). We can't let people suffer from natural disasters.

Like I said: what you call socialist you support when things get rough.


Audioholics Master Chief
Gene, that is called playing by the rules and NOT the evidence. You are shedding virus, and so are infectious. I suspect, but of course can not prove, that this is related to your RA treatment. I don't think anyone can give you a definitive opinion on that, but it is a reasonable hypothesis. That is just another way of saying it is an educated guess, but still a guess.

What I can tell is that in just about any infectious disease, some individuals after recovery continue to shed the infectious agent for a period of time, and sometimes a very long time after recovery. Other past serious outbreaks of infectious disease have shown that these individuals are a particular hazard in keeping an outbreak going. In this regard episodes of typhoid fever especially come to mind.

The Chinese and Japanese, have shown there are a few people like you who continue to shed virus after clinical recovery. So I have to say you have hard evidence, that you are now what is known as a carrier. Your instincts to be cautious are correct.

Unfortunately I do not think we have an antibody test available in the US yet, but I might be wrong about that. I will look into it. The Chinese for sure are conducting antibody tests right now, to find out their level of herd immunity. A very likely reason your wife did not become ill is that she may well have caught the virus and not developed a clinical infection and is now immune. An antibody study by a blood test would show that.
So just to be clear, I'm not yet on any treatment for my RA other than 800mg Tylenol at night to manage pain so I can sleep. I just found out about RA last year and haven't seen an RA doctor yet to discuss treatments.


Audioholic Warlord
So just to be clear, I'm not yet on any treatment for my RA other than 800mg Tylenol at night to manage pain so I can sleep. I just found out about RA last year and haven't seen an RA doctor yet to discuss treatments.
How did you know you had RA?

I was only recently diagnosed with a form of RA, called ankylosing spondylitis (AS). I'd been suffering from unexplained auto-immune inflammation of the eye for nearly a decade. I would not have known it was AS without seeing a rheumatologist.

The maximum safe adult dose of acetaminophen is 3 to 4 grams daily. How did you arrive at your dose of 800 mg/night?

Although acetaminophen is a mild analgesic, it has no significant affect on preventing inflammation and it's resulting long-term damage. Depending on what type of RA you have, long-term damage may be the more important issue for you.

Just a suggestion… Once you're fully recovered from Covid-19, find a good rheumatologist and make an appointment.

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