
Audioholic Spartan
I've just been sitting back and listening and trying to learn from many here

But I can't help but feel frustrated at what I feel is by press and the public just panic causing statements that have caused a lot of things to really get blown out of proportion.

Saying this is a pandemic that can be ten times more deadly then anything we've seen in recent history

I just feel statements like this are way to soon to be made we don't know enough about this virus yet and how it's going to react long term

I understand the measures that need to be taken to try and slow it both to keep it from overrunning medical infrastructure and give time for vaccines and herd immunity to develop

But Damn Im tired of all the doomsday scenarios every time I turn on the Damn tv or check the news it's all I hear is about this Damn virus and all these worse case scenarios I'm kind off sick of it to be honest

Let's be cautious and take the correct measures but Damn use our common sense and handle this with some dignity

Sorry guys this is the steam vent so I'm just venting this isn't directed at anyone in particular just needed to get it off my chest

In the meantime I'll continue to practice social distancing watch a lot of movies stay in for awhile since I do work medical and that puts me on the front line so to speak.... And watch my portfolio take a massive f@$!ing hit since everybody including the stock markets are acting like this is the end of the f@$!ing world like something out of Stephen King's the Stand

Sorry guys had to get that off my chest too I'm very empathetic to everyone out there going through this but f@!! Sooner or later see going to have to find a way to move forward the economy can only take so much of this

I guess were do we draw the line how long can cracking down on containment is going to work enough versus watching our economic infrastructure collapse?

And for the record I've always been suspicious of this thing starting in China. It spread so fast in areas where travel related cases weren't the cause. I'm wondering if this has been floating around out there for awhile people mistaking it for flu or other things and China just happened to realize they had something else going on

It may already be put there way more then we suspected especially since the young can be fairly asymptomatic and just spread it everywhere if I understand correctly

Thanks steam vent I needed to get that off my chest


Seriously, I have no life.
I've just been sitting back and listening and trying to learn from many here

But I can't help but feel frustrated at what I feel is by press and the public just panic causing statements that have caused a lot of things to really get blown out of proportion.

Saying this is a pandemic that can be ten times more deadly then anything we've seen in recent history

I just feel statements like this are way to soon to be made we don't know enough about this virus yet and how it's going to react long term

I understand the measures that need to be taken to try and slow it both to keep it from overrunning medical infrastructure and give time for vaccines and herd immunity to develop

But Damn Im tired of all the doomsday scenarios every time I turn on the Damn tv or check the news it's all I hear is about this Damn virus and all these worse case scenarios I'm kind off sick of it to be honest

Let's be cautious and take the correct measures but Damn use our common sense and handle this with some dignity

Sorry guys this is the steam vent so I'm just venting this isn't directed at anyone in particular just needed to get it off my chest

In the meantime I'll continue to practice social distancing watch a lot of movies stay in for awhile since I do work medical and that puts me on the front line so to speak.... And watch my portfolio take a massive f@$!ing hit since everybody including the stock markets are acting like this is the end of the f@$!ing world like something out of Stephen King's the Stand

Sorry guys had to get that off my chest too I'm very empathetic to everyone out there going through this but f@!! Sooner or later see going to have to find a way to move forward the economy can only take so much of this

I guess were do we draw the line how long can cracking down on containment is going to work enough versus watching our economic infrastructure collapse?

And for the record I've always been suspicious of this thing starting in China. It spread so fast in areas where travel related cases weren't the cause. I'm wondering if this has been floating around out there for awhile people mistaking it for flu or other things and China just happened to realize they had something else going on

It may already be put there way more then we suspected especially since the young can be fairly asymptomatic and just spread it everywhere if I understand correctly

Thanks steam vent I needed to get that off my chest
I think you need to open your eyes and see what is happening.

Italy took a laid back attitude and then their hospitals got overwhelmed. So draconian measures had to be introduced. Now the tragedy seems to be peaking. They have enormous numbers of dead and the dead are disposed of and no one is allowed to attend the funerals.

If we don't get a lot more aggressive with this in the US we will reap a grimmer and grimmer harvest. We are not doing enough at this stage.

Germany is now making plans to build a rapid 1000 bed hospital Chinese style. Please look at the data and what is happening around the world.

You are spouting dangerous nonsense that will cost lives now we are entering the critical phase in the US. The level of denial in the US currently is very disturbing.

How this will turn out for the economy long term, I have no idea. However there will be far less damage if this situation is brought under control with the lowest mortality.

There is now abundant evidence that these highly restrictive and disruptive measures do turn the tide wherever they have been vigorously applied.


Audioholic Spartan
I think you need to open your eyes and see what is happening.

Italy took a laid back attitude and then their hospitals got overwhelmed. So draconian measures had to be introduced. Now the tragedy seems to be peaking. They have enormous numbers of dead and the dead are disposed of and no one is allowed to attend the funerals.

If we don't get a lot more aggressive with this in the US we will reap a grimmer and grimmer harvest. We are not doing enough at this stage.

Germany is now making plans to build a rapid 1000 bed hospital Chinese style. Please look at the data and what is happening around the world.

You are spouting dangerous nonsense that will cost lives now we are entering the critical phase in the US. The level of denial in the US currently is very disturbing.

How this will turn out for the economy long term, I have no idea. However there will be far less damage if this situation is brought under control with the lowest mortality.

There is now abundant evidence that these highly restrictive and disruptive measures do turn the tide wherever they have been vigorously applied.
I just needed to vent I really don't need a lecture on what I should or shouldn't be taking things seriously

And where do you get off telling me to stop spouting dangerous nonsense. Where did I ever state above that I wouldn't be in compliance with anything the CDC suggests? As I said I needed to vent my feelings no where did I make suggestions or state how I think things should be handled. I work medical but it's psych nursing hell this is way out of my league so maybe you need to check yourself and make sure you read what I said before you presume to tell me what I am or am not doing

Both my parents stay with me in the winter so I'm not taking this lightly at all

I accept the contingencies I need to take I will be a responsible citizen but I don't have to like it either it's why it's called the steam vent?

But the one thing I WILL not do is panic and react to this out of fear like so many have done buying up pointless medical supplies that our medical community needs poop I can't even find toilet paper right now thank the Lord I buy in bulk it's ridiculous some of the reactions

And I still feel some of the feedback from the press and others has led to it.

You don't know me I don't know you so don't presume to know what my attitude is about this situation unless I've directed that attitude towards you which I haven't

Regardless I wish you and your family nothing but safety and the best through all of this if it does take a turn for the worse I bear you no I'll will just pisses me off when people presume to put words in my mouth


Audioholic Samurai
Like I said, if Trump walked on water, you people would say he can't swim. Your lists of "failures" are laughable. Your leader said Trump was "fearmongering" when he limited travel from China. Now he didn't do enough, soon enough. Proof. "China virus" is racist? But we've talked about the Spanish Flu and German Measles for years. Proof. Your rantings are simply the whining of losers who would rather hurt Trump than help America. You spout the very inaccuracies and half truths from the media you can't admit has its own agenda. YOU are part of the problem, and some here are literally perverted and sick. I'm looking forward to a new crop of videos in Nov of you people breaking down.


Seriously, I have no life.
[QUOTE="Matthew J Poes, post: 1377406, member: 85392"

Disruptions in product launches might changes the cycle a little. We might see a delayed launch with a jump in generation. All of this will be resolved in a few years.

I've been told that countries that were trying to get into CE production might get a boost and so we might see a shift, but that shift will take decades and was inevitable anyway. Right now China has a huge monopoly on CE production. No other country compares and no other country can take over even a fraction of it as of right now. However, we are seeing that Vietnam and India both want to get in on the production. They are actively hiring consultants from China to help build the infrastructure and we are seeing more of it. What I've been told is that, even if the investment increased ten fold today, which it won't, it would still take 10 years before we saw those as true viable alternatives.

Personally, I think the CE industry should have tempered their release habits for a long time- troweling out new models that are nothing more than last years' models with one more blinking light makes people wary of buying because they want the latest and greatest, or they jump onto the bleeding edge and find that nothing improved.

Vietnam has been making CE goods for decades- they just don't have the population to make as much or the government that mandates it/has the clout to negotiate the same trade deals with the US. Fortunately, it also appears that they respect intellectual rights more than China, but that could change if they get a bigger piece of the pie. Even so, it took a long time for China to become the juggernaut they are- their QC sucked for a long time, until the companies selling their goods figured out that they had to have agents there on a full time basis, to make sure they got what they paid for.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Personally, I think the CE industry should have tempered their release habits for a long time- troweling out new models that are nothing more than last years' models with one more blinking light makes people wary of buying because they want the latest and greatest, or they jump onto the bleeding edge and find that nothing improved.
Boggles my mind how immune Apple has been to this though.


Seriously, I have no life.
I think you need to open your eyes and see what is happening.

Italy took a laid back attitude and then their hospitals got overwhelmed. So draconian measures had to be introduced. Now the tragedy seems to be peaking. They have enormous numbers of dead and the dead are disposed of and no one is allowed to attend the funerals.

If we don't get a lot more aggressive with this in the US we will reap a grimmer and grimmer harvest. We are not doing enough at this stage.

Germany is now making plans to build a rapid 1000 bed hospital Chinese style. Please look at the data and what is happening around the world.

You are spouting dangerous nonsense that will cost lives now we are entering the critical phase in the US. The level of denial in the US currently is very disturbing.

How this will turn out for the economy long term, I have no idea. However there will be far less damage if this situation is brought under control with the lowest mortality.

There is now abundant evidence that these highly restrictive and disruptive measures do turn the tide wherever they have been vigorously applied.
I have read and heard that Minnesota took its sweet time in shutting things down- other states were much quicker to do that. Some people don't need to be around many others in order to do their jobs, so it wouldn't appear that allowing them to continue poses little risk if they stay clean and avoid contact with others.

From the charts showing the active cases vs deaths from COVID-19, I see that many states have no deaths that can be attributed to it- obviously, the situation in Washington is different from most states, but it would appear that something is working and if the shutdown continues, it seems that the US won't be the massive deathbed you think- as long as idiots like these would just go away-

I don't think that lack of funerals is the tragedy you seem to- a memorial service can be held later, after this has passed. The deceased really don't need to be there.


Audioholic Overlord
I'm looking forward to a new crop of videos in Nov of you people breaking down.
I don't know if you are religious/spiritual or what your philosophy about society or community is, but you might want to reflect on this. Superficially, it seems rather sadistic to covet malice like this. The best spin I can come up with is you have been completely consumed by tribalism.
I, personally, will be very, very glad when Trump is gone and we can start to mend our alliances, etc. But I know far too many people who think the world of Trump (many who are good friends) to not feel regret for their "loss" (be it in 1 or 5 years)! I certainly won't be rubbing their faces in it. It seems we run in wildly different circles...
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Seriously, I have no life.
I just needed to vent I really don't need a lecture on what I should or shouldn't be taking things seriously

And where do you get off telling me to stop spouting dangerous nonsense. Where did I ever state above that I wouldn't be in compliance with anything the CDC suggests? As I said I needed to vent my feelings no where did I make suggestions or state how I think things should be handled. I work medical but it's psych nursing hell this is way out of my league so maybe you need to check yourself and make sure you read what I said before you presume to tell me what I am or am not doing

Both my parents stay with me in the winter so I'm not taking this lightly at all

I accept the contingencies I need to take I will be a responsible citizen but I don't have to like it either it's why it's called the steam vent?

But the one thing I WILL not do is panic and react to this out of fear like so many have done buying up pointless medical supplies that our medical community needs poop I can't even find toilet paper right now thank the Lord I buy in bulk it's ridiculous some of the reactions

And I still feel some of the feedback from the press and others has led to it.

You don't know me I don't know you so don't presume to know what my attitude is about this situation unless I've directed that attitude towards you which I haven't

Regardless I wish you and your family nothing but safety and the best through all of this if it does take a turn for the worse I bear you no I'll will just pisses me off when people presume to put words in my mouth
I'm sorry, but you do need a lecture. Your comments about information being blown out of proportion are the reverse of the truth. The direction to the public is only out of proportion by being wide of the mark in informing the public if what is in fact urgently required.

Today deaths in Italy will likely surpass that of China and Italy has a far smaller population.

This is what the Chinese Red Cross delegation had to say on their arrival in Italy.

MILAN — The head of a visiting Chinese Red Cross delegation helping Italy respond to the coronavirus crisis says people there aren’t sufficiently adhering to lockdown measures and warns the only way to stop the virus’ spread is by shutting down all economic activity.

Sun Shuopeng, executive chairman of the Red Cross Society of China.says he was shocked to see so many Milanese walking around the city, using public transportation, having dinners in hotels and not wearing protective masks.

Sun warned that Wuhan, China — the epicenter of the pandemic — only saw its infections peak after one month of a strictly enforced lockdown. He spoke on the same day that Wuhan for the first time registered no new infections. Italy is likely to overtake all of China in the number of virus-associated deaths.

I don't know how many times you need to read this, but enough to take in its implications for the US, and for that matter with the UK which is also falling far short. France and Germany are getting it right and that is already showing in hard data.

Stop worrying about the economy. There will plenty of time to deal with that after concentrating on preventing unnecessary deaths.

Wake up guys and be activists in your communities for measures that have data to support them, no matter how intrusive and disruptive.


Audioholic Samurai
I love how the 'media' is to blame for everything by some posters. I keep seeing the same talking points from the same playbook.

Isn't Fox News part of the media or were they given a dispensation? Lapsed Catholic here. :D

Very confusing.
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Audioholic Samurai
I started showing symptoms. Not panicking, but wish me luck just in case. I'm not in any of the hightened risk groups and am having the mild version of symptoms. Although, I could be infectious. We'll see.


Audioholic Samurai
I love how the 'media' is to blame for everything by some posters.

Isn't Fox News part of the media or were they given a dispensation?

Very confusing.
I've noticed you can find "blame the media" crowd from the entire specter. Media is always too liberal and not liberal enough. It is also often way too centrist :-D if at all possible - that's the "media is status quo" remark.


Audioholic Overlord
I started showing symptoms. Not panicking, but wish me luck just in case. I'm not in any of the hightened risk groups and am having the mild version of symptoms. Although, I could be infectious. We'll see.
Stay positive and get yourself well!
John Parks

John Parks

Audioholic Samurai
I started showing symptoms. Not panicking, but wish me luck just in case. I'm not in any of the hightened risk groups and am having the mild version of symptoms. Although, I could be infectious. We'll see.
Like @ryanosaur said, stay positive and kick its butt! Be well @killdozzer !

PS - I can't get anything from you can I? :eek:


Audioholic Samurai
I've noticed you can find "blame the media" crowd from the entire specter. Media is always too liberal and not liberal enough. It is also often way too centrist :-D if at all possible - that's the "media is status quo" remark.
I mistakenly thought that this virus would bring us all together, like 9/11, and we'd all be pulling the oars in the same direction to minimize and eradicate it. Then we could go back to fighting to our hearts content about silly $hit like vinyl/CD, tube amps/SS and all the other mundane First World problems.

Nope, it seems I was wrong.

Best of luck BTW, take care of yourself and your family.


Audioholic Spartan
I'm sorry, but you do need a lecture. Your comments about information being blown out of proportion are the reverse of the truth. The direction to the public is only out of proportion by being wide of the mark in informing the public if what is in fact urgently required.

Today deaths in Italy will likely surpass that of China and Italy has a far smaller population.

This is what the Chinese Red Cross delegation had to say on their arrival in Italy.

MILAN — The head of a visiting Chinese Red Cross delegation helping Italy respond to the coronavirus crisis says people there aren’t sufficiently adhering to lockdown measures and warns the only way to stop the virus’ spread is by shutting down all economic activity.

Sun Shuopeng, executive chairman of the Red Cross Society of China.says he was shocked to see so many Milanese walking around the city, using public transportation, having dinners in hotels and not wearing protective masks.

Sun warned that Wuhan, China — the epicenter of the pandemic — only saw its infections peak after one month of a strictly enforced lockdown. He spoke on the same day that Wuhan for the first time registered no new infections. Italy is likely to overtake all of China in the number of virus-associated deaths.

I don't know how many times you need to read this, but enough to take in its implications for the US, and for that matter with the UK which is also falling far short. France and Germany are getting it right and that is already showing in hard data.

Stop worrying about the economy. There will plenty of time to deal with that after concentrating on preventing unnecessary deaths.

Wake up guys and be activists in your communities for measures that have data to support them, no matter how intrusive and disruptive.
No I really don't but your obviously going to do it anyway so oh well

I have the right to vent its what it's for it's the STEAM VENT just because I'm doing that is not a reflection of that I'm not taking Italy or anyone else going through this terrible situation any less serious

Now if I was unwilling to comply by all means you'd have every right to put me in check

And I'm all for saving lives but if my assests I've put in place for me and my parents are compromised well even though I have some outside assets the impact would be severe for me and my family

Watching my parents worry about there future does bother me right now I agree with you on saving lives comes first but you have no right to tell me not to worry about it that's why I vented and I stated that I needed to VENT TWICE in that post I made that clear I expressed no opinions on the matter

Your the one that pushed that agenda I do respect that you meant well with your intentions though I understand you mean well and I do respect your knowledge

Maybe it's not what you say more how you say it sir sometimes you come across a little condescending whether it's in audio etc when you feel the need to correct someone

If I feel I need to be corrected I'll put up with some of that but not with this I'll call you out for it otherwise

But I know in my heart you mean well and I greatly respect you in this community so let's just not derail the thread with this back and forth anymore neither one of us will back down from our stance and that's okay

I do agree with you that we all need to be working together more now in this situation not letting bad attitudes and politics and other things tear us apart so let's just move on from this if that's okay with you I vented and got all my crap out in the first post and we both have said what we needed to say so how about we shake like gentleman over the internet and just move past this is how I feel


Audioholic Ninja
I mistakenly thought that this virus would bring us all together, like 9/11, and we'd all be pulling the oars in the same direction to minimize and eradicate it. Then we could go back to fighting to our hearts content about silly $hit like vinyl/CD, tube amps/SS and all the other mundane First World problems.
Since you mention 9/11, we have an administration overseeing this pandemic that still accuses Muslim Americans of celebrating 9/11.

Also: That same guy called this pandemic a liberal hoax.

It's very hard to come together when the chief executive is using this for demagoguery.

Worse, we've been seeing that echoed by "the flu is worse" people. What they are doing kills people. How do we come together with a group entrenched in counter-factual propaganda?


Audioholic Warlord
I have the right to vent its what it's for it's the STEAM VENT just because I'm doing that is not a reflection of that I'm not taking Italy or anyone else going through this terrible situation any less serious
I get it when you say you're venting for the benefit of venting. But I still get the impression, by your repeated venting, that something else is on your mind.

A friend recently reminded me of a relevant quote from Issac Asimov:

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge. – Isaac Asimov​
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