I know what it's like trying to imagine what it will look like. It can get you chasing your tail.
One thing to consider, based on my experience with Jim Salk's finishes. The standard curly maple he uses will be much better looking than you might guess from photos, and unlike quilted or fiddleback, it's a standard no-extra-cost veneer. Large sheets of quilted or fiddleback veneer will cost lots more. With that smokey silver dye, it might not matter what the pattern in the maple is. Curly, quilted, or fiddleback patterns will all jump out at your eye about the same. It's the
chatoyance of the veneer's pattern that matters most. Those 3-dimensional patterns or waves should move as you move your eyes over the wood surface. Jim aims for that in his finishes.
Mix an Old Fashioned for me – and have it for yourself