I have the SVS Ultra Towers at home for evaluation (HT, gaming and music) in a stereo only configuration, they've been on the market for quite some time now so I was wondering if there are better towers for the same price these days?
What I want in the speakers (and why I got the the Ultra Towers):
- Large sweet spot, at least as wide (off-axis) listening position as the Ultras.
- Deeper flat bass extension, preferably down to 20hz with quality.
- Comparative smooth treble.
- Somewhat warm sound.
- Fairly flat frequency response.
- I'm not averse to using a subwoofer but I want to be able to have as deep bass without one as possible.
Brands and speaker that have come up so far in my research:
- GoldenEar (Triton Two MK locally on sale for a good price)
- Canton (Ergo 690 DC)
PS. I have the RP-280F, still evaluating them but I think I prefer the slightly smoother treble and wider sweet spot on the Ultra Towers.