Some people have more money than time (or willingness to invest time) to figure out what to get.
Most of us are geeks or audio obsessive such hat we enjoy figuring out what to get!
I can relate! I enjoy evaluating speakers, but when it comes to deciding what TV or computer to buy, I will go to Rtings or Laptop Magazine to see what they say to get. Vacuum cleaner - consumer reports, etc!
Part of that is I am very concerned about the significant differences between SQ of speakers, but pretty happy with most of the screens I see in WalMart...and I know most any 5 year old model of computer will do all I need (web-surfing, word processing, and spreadsheets). I no longer do CAD/CAM, but there too, I think the hardware is generally as capable as the software asks it to be. That has changed dramatically over the past 25 years! I used to obsess over my computer hardware because it made a huge difference!