Ideally, the speakers and your listening position would form an equilateral triangle (distance from each speaker to you = distance between speakers) so it would be nice to separate the speakers a bit more, if you can. However, if practical concerns force them to stay where they are they will still sound good, you just won't get as wide of a soundstage as is optimal.
So, how do they stack up against your 502.2s?
My MLP is set up in an equilateral triangle but unfortunately that dresser is all the space I have for these at the moment.
As for the sound between models, I was a tiny bit skeptical that I would actually hear a noteworthy difference between the two models, mostly due to my less than perfect hearing.
But amazingly, even with my closer to brass then golden ears the difference is absolutely there.
I don’t really know how to express the differences, but the Vento’s just sound larger, fuller and more detailed and somehow even seem to pull deeper.
Best of all of course is that I can just listen and listen without tiring of the music they are producing, so the bottom line is I couldn’t be happier with them and glad the discussion and positive testimony helped move me in this direction.
Perhaps not completely fair A/B with the different amps but the room, speaker height and distance are identical and seating distances can be easily replicated.