From what I understand of the flat-pack cabinet kits, they are pieces of Baltic birch plywood pre-cut to the proper dimensions. The front baffle has the necessary cutout holes for mounting the drivers, and the rear panel has a hole for the port tube. Gluing up the cabinet pieces, assembling the speaker components, and wood finishing is left to the owner.
Dennis, please correct me if I'm wrong.
If you're interested in a glossy paint finish, please understand that it's difficult to do this well. The wood surface has to be filled, sealed, and sanded until its quite smooth. Any grain or flaws will show through the painted finish, especially with a glossy finish. The process requires many layers of paint and clear coat, with fine sanding in between coats. This requires relatively dust free spraying and drying rooms. I've tried a glossy paint finish once, and was not happy with the results. In my experience, veneer is actually easier to apply, and has better looking results.
A better way to get a glossy paint finish, is to take the assembled cabinets, minus the drivers and wiring, to a few auto paint shops and ask for their prices. They are properly equipped for filling, sanding, and spray paint finishing. They might laugh at first because they don't often see anything but cars, but you might be surprised at an affordable price. The results will probably be much better than anything most DIY people can do at home.