That's good for you obviously, but it would be nice if we can hear from others users of the 3300,3400,3500 (same pre-amp/amp sections) on the negatives such as getting too warm and shutting down during normal use. Normal means within it's specified output limit.
By the way, I did a quick check on Amazon:
4.5 stars out of 5
81 reviews/ratings
2% 2 stars and 5% one star - Read all of the 2 and 5%, not shutdown related complaints.
68%/20% 5/4 stars
Compared that to the RX-A1080,
4.5 stars out of 5
10% 1 star, 0% 2 star,
72%/11% 5 stars
I recommended both in the past
in the <$1,000 range.