This is something I once wanted to talk about with people in this forum; is your system supposed to virtually place you in the middle of the orchestra, like you're being one of the players or is your LP still virtually in the audience of the event the recording of which you're listening to and your system only makes a more noticeable space difference between the first and, let's say, third row of musicians?
Personally I don't like either, but I'm trying to understand the goal multich crowd tries to achieve.
The former I mentioned, the immersion, I really have a thing against and think it is an actual problem, but that would be a long discussion not to be had here.
Latter I simply don't care about as much as you do and wouldn't bother with. I don't want to provoke, but to explain my position, it just sounds silly to me. As silly as saying my understanding of this painting, for example:
View attachment 31760
is lacking, but not due to my humble understanding of art in general, but because the medium prevents me from precisely assessing how far away the pompous looking black coat, black haired figure to the right, really is.
Point being, I do think your system images better than mine, I just don't see what exactly do you think you're getting from it.
As far as vinyl goes, I do see it as looking at the above picture through a stained glass, and that surely won't do. I see it that way because it adds non existing noise and that noise doesn't do anything for me. One might argue that vinyl could be seen as an impressionist painting and I do see it that way but only when an artists adds it for effect like on Odelay by Beck (adds it to a digital file).
On the other hand, you do realise that when this painting was painted the space wasn't all that 2D and there was rustling of the fabric of gowns and some whisper... And that is all gone because these art producers want to present 2D paintings as means to enjoy art.
Also, the numbers game is not on our side (and I include myself here for going after hifi sound). On the biggest rise are all the: single BT wireless speaker, small and portable as obligatory, YouTube as the only source, smart phones and ear budds (which can sound good, but let's not attribute any multich. properties to that, still today you put a 1k earphones and the music is coming from the split center of your brain),playing music of your laptop/mac book, playing it of your smart phone but with no headphones - over the "speaker", TV over a sound bar and a sub etc.
In house multich. is only on the rise when compared to 2ch stereo, but as a part of a hifi-home-audio, I think it's still on a downward spiral. I think we can still ask the question will multich. mixing pay off?
@sterling shoote : in your comment, I read "seems to imitate" as "seems to emanate". I hope I wasn't wrong to do so. If I was, please tell me.