The Integra $2,500 11Ch AVP and $2,500 11Ch Amp seem interesting for guys who want 11Ch separates, but without room correction like Dirac.
The Integra MSRP's are a few hundred dollars less than the Yamaha $2,700 11Ch AVP and $2,900 11Ch Amp.
The Monolith $2500 11Ch Amp might be a better deal than both Amps. But the $4,000 Monolith HTP-1 AVP might seem too expensive compared to both, although the HTP-1 does have Dirac which might be a deal-breaker for people who must have Dirac.
The $4,000 Monolith HTP-1 Dirac-AVP seems like a bargain compared to the much more expensive Dirac-AVPs from AudioControl, NAD, and ATI/DataSat, especially when you combine the Monolith AVP with the other Monolith Amps.