I just always hear about one DAC being preferred over another so far as Blu-ray players and I'm over here like WTF should that even matter if we're using HDMI connections with an AVR along with your TVs e-ARC connection?
Laughing! It's true. Most DACS in good equipment will be more than adequate for most usage. My Marantz sounds great, and its 2 levels below "flagship."

Better go spend another grand+ for diminishing returns!
Seriously though, It has been discussed at endless lengths about whether the DAC in one unit is audibly better than another. At a certain level, the answer for most mortals is "no."
Ultimately, if (when) you decide to chase Sound Quality, Speakers are first. Once you have better speakers, and you still aren't happy, then look at other things like your room and the AVR maybe. Once those are dialed in... It'll probably be time to upgrade the TV.
BTW, If I understand it correctly, the analog out on a Blu Ray or CD will use the on-board DAC. Digital out should bypass that, for the next step in the chain (perhaps that $1K DAC from Schiit Audio),which could go direct to an Amp, or digital-in to another device.