Exactly. 40+ states are going to fight having their influence in how the country is run stripped from them and transferred to a handful of heavily populated mega-cities in distant states and allowing those cities to lord over an entire country (the Hunger Games scenario). It's the same with creating a black robed royalty, the people and the states won't allow it.
Yea. It's really terrible when a million people exercise more political power than a thousand people.
What's magic about states? Surely this is a problem within the state where populated counties get more votes for governor than unpopulated ones.
And it's a problem within the counties where populated cities get more votes for Sheriff than unpopulated ones.
And it's a problem within cities where populated neighborhoods get more votes for mayor than unpopulated ones.
Did you know that houses with more voting-age adults get more votes than houses with fewer voting age adults?
Someone please tell me why "minority rule" is superior to "majority rule"?
Let's take it to an extreme to see the issue.
The population of the US moves entirely to Alaska except for 49 people. Those remaining 49 people each live in one of the remaining 49 states.
Those 49 people control 98% of the US senate (the other 300,000,000 people control 2% of the senate); which means that those 49 people get approval over every appointment, every law, every budget.
We're already seeing a movement to break up states because people in those states are getting tired of being lorded over by two or three distant mega cities. That's fallout from the wrongly decided Reynolds vs Sims case which said that state Senators could not be apportioned by county the way that they are apportioned by state for the US Senate.
Go for it. If you actually break on urban/rural lines you'll quickly find the rural states turn to garbage because there's nowhere near enough revenue in them. Urban areas pay the bulk of the taxes while rural areas receive far more per-capita in government spending.
My income is higher, so I pay more income tax. My property value is higher, so I pay more property tax. But I'm more densley packed; so there's less asphault per-person, and my percentage of the phone line is shorter, and my percentage of the costs of shipping goods to me are lower, and there's less power-line to maintain for me.
Are you a mile from your neighbor? That's a mile of power line, phone line, and road that has to be maintained just for you. For me? 75-feet.
Not to mention that the hospitals near you only remain afloat because of money pulled from urban areas to subsidize them (turns out they don't have enough business, and too much of that business is unpaying, to stay afloat). Hell: even the mail you get is functionally subsidized by the more efficient mail within the cities.
Remember PBS and how the right hated it? Do you know why it was created? To give local weather information in areas too rural to support their own radio. that's right. Urban funds being spent to help rural farmers.
That's true in the Macro-scale (California pays more into the fed than it takes out while Alaska is a welfare state),and it's true in the Micro scale (FL panhandle infrastructure is funded by S.Florida metro areas).
I, for one, am tired or self proclaimed "rural America" taking my money, seizing more control of my government than their population would warrant, and then vilifying me for it.
You know what happens if you dissolved the union? California becomes the 4th largest economy in the world and places like Nevada, Arizona, and Louisana become third-world countries.