Sounds like your current wires are half CCA and half straight aluminum. CCA has about 2/3 the efficiency of OFC. Fairly thick could be deceptive, as the jacket can be thicker than typical. How long are you wire runs? If the speakers are no more than 10 feet from the amp, then 14AWG CCA would probably be sufficient. If longer, or if your current wire is 16AWG or thinner, my guess is there would potentially be an audible improvement if you were to change out your wire for OFC. But if you're already pleased with the sound as-is, is it really worth the trouble?
According to the article, too much insertion loss can result in boomy bass. Would you characterize your Revels in your vacation home as unpleasantly boomy?
Roger Russell asserts that speaker wire that's too thin will alter the response to reflect the impedance curve of the speakers. Do you hear unpleasant peaks in the response of your Revels? If so, then OFC might help. If not, then I'd be inclined not to go to the trouble if the wire is as inconveniently routed as your post hints.