I want to give a review of my new JBL studio 230 speakers. I am no audiophile by any means but I do know about these few things compared to my old polk RTI6s. soundstage, detail, clarity, power. these 4 things blow my old polks out of the water! these speakers are beautiful! very nice piano look on the top and beautiful cabinet. these studios are heavy and well constructed. I listen to 70-80s rock and I am completely astounded by the sound they produce!. I have only listened to them for a few hours as I just received them yesterday and immediately hooked them up to test them out. soundstage is beautiful and midrange is full and precise. highs are very detailed and at high volume they are clear and no distortion. I ran the volume up until I couldn't stand it any futher and remained clear and beautiful. for 159.00 from JBL on ebay this is a steal in my mind. thanks to zieglj01 for steering
me to these incredible speakers!