Geez! I even used a smiley face!
I know that some components do change as their temperature increases, but how warm would this become?
I have a hard time when people refer to timing and pace when they talk about this stuff- I think they may notice something similar just because they're so excited by listening to something new, but it just doesn't affect the signal in those ways.
I don't have a huge collection, but I do work and I like to get a little sleep. I also don't like recording- never did. I was really bad when it came to writing the songs on my cassettes but that problem was cured when my car was stolen- most of my tapes were in it. Bastards! OTOH, every tape was like an adventure because I never knew what was next.
It's less a matter of wanting to digitize everything and more about playing my vinyl- that cartridge is a really nice-sounding one and because of the way some digital music was mastered, the LPs sound better. I listen to .wav files of music that I have on vinyl and very often, the digital version sounds worse in the low end and that's exactly where it should sound as good, or better. I also have remastered LPs that sound worse than the original but most of those are Japanese imports and they weren't mastered by the original people- tastes varied by region and if you listen to music from different countries, the equalization can be very different.
I wouldn't return something if I liked it because I'm a dealer for several brands and wouldn't like it if my customers did that. In the mean time, I found that Parasound has a new phono preamp that provides more gain than their older models, which may be partially due to the conversations I have had with Richard Schramm about my cartridge- they have one of the same model, but last time I called about the low level from my P5 preamp, their cantilever had bent, so they couldn't verify/deny my comments. They added about 10dB and the S/N ratio is higher, so maybe...... The new model isn't just a simple MM/MC switch, the MC input has an impedance selector range of 50 Ohms-1050 Ohms and a 50/60 dB gain selector, with a 40dB/50dB gain selector for MM. It also has balanced and unbalanced outputs, which wold add 6dB.