Definitive Technology BP9080 & Yamaha receiver Issue



Audioholic Jedi
Well I think I should let the wisdom of a child explain to you why music should be beautiful.
You sure that’s not Mozart reincarnated into a body of a child? :D

She seems more mature than 95% of adults. :eek:

What is she doing for fun while other kids are playing around? Composing her Ninth Symphony? :D


Audioholic Jedi
You sure that’s not Mozart reincarnated into a body of a child? :D

She seems more mature than 95% of adults. :eek:

What is she doing for fun while other kids are playing around? Composing her Ninth Symphony? :D
You may well ask. I first became aware of this child two years ago when her opera Cinderella premiered in Vienna under the patronage of the conductor Zubin Mehta. The production was very favorably reviewed in the Daily Telegraph and elsewhere.

From what was then available on YouTube and elsewhere, which was already a lot, it was clear we had a prodigious talent in out midst. Not only had she written some creditable compositions but from an early age was a formidable pianist and violinist. She has had tremendous media exposure on TV and social media mainly, but also on radio in Europe.

Interestingly she has lightened up with age and seems less serious now than when a very young child. According to her father Guy she does not like the exposure but realizes its inevitability. From the bubbly presence she projects you would never know it.

She comes across as a very happy and balanced individual with no trace of arrogance or superiority, but also conscious of her place and probably destiny ahead. She describes herself as a very happy person which from her persona is highly believable.

I find one of the most astonishing things about her is what appears to be not only her honesty but what seems to be her inborn sense of what it is to be a professional.

As a small child she was asked about her family background. Her father Guy is a linguist and an amateur flute player. Her mother though was an organ scholar, at I think Cambridge. As far as I know she has not had a professional career as an organist, but by history must be pretty good. Anyhow Alms answered the question: - "Well my parents are both amateur musicians, but I'm a professional musician." She was tiny! She certainly has a centered ego. At performance she never shows a trace of nervousness or stage fright. When asked about this replied: - "Well, if you know what you are doing, what is there to be nervous about?"

There are a lot of videos of her in rehearsal. She supports singers mainly from the piano and sometimes from the violin. She has them watch her face and leads them by expression especially her eyes. It is clear that all the professionals, all of course older then her, listen to her with great respect and recognize her authority. Some have written, and somewhat humorously, about having a 12 year old taking charge of them. However all of them hold her in great esteem and above all affection, singers especially. She has been outspoken about preserving signers voices and taken a lot of modern composers to task for ruining singers voices, which they have.

She is aware, and spoken about, the issue of a lost child hood recently. She says she has made time to do the things other children do and admitted it has been work to preserve a semblance of childhood. However ruefully she admitted that there are times she can be a child and at times she can not be. I think that interview was conducted in Vienna. When she is there they seem to make full use of her. Anyhow before the interview is over she is called away for something, and ruefully says: - "Busy life!" A couple of things I noted while there recently. She was asked to accompany the Vienna Schubert Boys Choir for one number, I suspect because the regular accompanist could not play it. It sounded really difficult and her fingers just flew over the key board. In another excerpt she was asked to help a conductor with a early unfamiliar piece they were having trouble with. She had her priceless De Jesu violin, which a generous benefactor has made available to her. She quickly showed were the accents should be and demonstrated on her violin. Now this is the interesting part she did not take over from the conductor. She stood back from the conductor, who I'm sure thought he was doing the lifting, but Alma was "conducting" with her head and expressive eyes. Anyhow she quickly had the issue sorted and the piece sounded just right.

So I'm sure it is not easy for her. She has to control demands. She is the youngest artist to have professional management. For some years she has been represented by Askonas Holt everywhere except the US when about a year ago she became represented by Columbia artists. She is now a Sony Classical artist.

She has been kept busy of late giving concerts around the world, but busiest with her opera. The Vienna State opera asked her to do a one hour version of her opera for children. She did not just take excerpts, but made a whole new musical arrangement. I do not have the DVD, but it is available from the Vienna State Opera. Nineteen performances were given between January and May of this year which all sold out. Her performances seem to sell out fast. Then a Ballet company in Berlin asked for a Ballet version of the score, again she had to oblige and rehearse the company.

Now she has put a halt to it all and pointed out that her primary role is as a composer. So apart from recording her Twas the Night Before Christmas with the famous US Baritone for Idagio in Berlin, she has returned to bass in Southern England to continue work on her first symphony. So she is not up to number 9 yet!

One of the things I suspect is that she is now the major bread winner for her parents and younger sister Helen, which if so, and I don't see how it can'be, must be an added burden. I can't seem much opportunity for her father to earn a substantial income with the work of organizing her appearances. Her relationship with her sister Helen seem to be close. Helen seems a talented violinist in her own right and apparently Alma is now teaching her composition.

Obviously Alma is still very much a blank sheet of paper. However with her unapologetic pursuit of melody she has really angered,much of the academic musical "intelligentsia". She has studied the serialist scores of the New Viennese school and spoken about it with Tom Service of the BBC on music matters, and pronounced it irritating to listen to, which is true. She maintains correctly, I think, that dissonance if used must be resolved. She says she always resolves it. She has called the music of the minimalists like Philip Glass boring, which it is. Until the success of her opera in San Jose last year she was under constant attach. However her opera contains three, by my count, of turbulent passages which are atonal and serialist. I'm certain this was to send a message to the critics, they she can do this, but they can't do what she does. In the last year they have fallen silent, as they empty concert halls and she fills them, making money for one and all. And so it should be. The market can and will decide, as it should. I take delight in knowing that annoys the left leaning academic set to their core.

This is well worth the purchase. Wonderful audio and video. The costumes and stage sets are spectacular.

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Hello all, sorry for the delayed response, I just got back from a long trip overseas. Thank you for all of the responses.

I have two towers and a Def Tech center (also with a powered sub with LFE connection). In other words, I have 3 speakers with powered subs with LFE connection. The Yamaha receiver has only 2 outputs. My initial idea was to hook up the two main towers with speaker wire and Y-splitter LFE, and the center speaker with speaker wires and using the second LFE output.

Here are the tests I have done:
All 3 speakers connected to Yamaha with speaker wires work flawlessly in any setting.
Left tower sub connected to LFE output 1 only - everything works
Right tower sub connected to LFE output 1 only - everything works
Left tower sub connected to LFE output 2 only - everything works
Right tower sub connected to LFE output 2 only - everything works
Center speaker connected to either output 1 or 2 - everything works

Left speaker to LFE output 1 and Center to LFE output 2 - everything works
Right speaker to LFE output 1 and Center to LFE output 2 - everything works
Left speaker to LFE output 2 and Center to LFE output 1 - everything works
Right speaker to LFE output 2 and Center to LFE output 1 - everything works

Adding a Y-splitter into the mix - everything works using either LFE output from the receiver with any of the combos mentioned above.

the moment I connect two of the towers to the receiver (with or without the center speaker in the mix) the unit goes off - no matter what combination of outputs I use, with and without a Y-splitter. The Yamaha just shuts off within a second even when the music is on pause (no sound) but the volume is NOT muted. When the volume is muted the receiver actually stays on. The moment I touch the volume knob it shuts off.

Main speakers are set to SMALL and bass crossover is at 80hz. If I set them to Large nothing really changes. I just can't have both main speakers hooked up with LFE connections at the same time... go figure.

Perhaps I should try another receiver... I am no audiophile, but I like how these sound. reading your comments I can sense some hate towards Def Tech :) I am not biased, but it will be too much hassle to return these big boys (that are not cheap!) and shop around again for new speakers :(

edit: could mixed polarity speaker wires cause this issue when the LFE is introduced? not likely in my opinion but I can't think of anything else. I am considering resetting my receiver back to factory settings to see if that may resolve anything. Maybe I messed it up somehow


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Does the receiver say chk spk when it turns back on at all


And the manual does state just using the speaker line in connections "Connection Option 1: Speaker-Level Only (recommended)" And The manual does state to use Y connector with using only one sub output I wonder if the LFE output on the speaker is sending a signal and crossbreeding them to two different outputs is doing something. Did you try to hook them up to just one lfe output just using a y connector. And I also did have an issue with one of those media bridge RCA cables where it introduced a nasty hum in to my whole system


And the manual does state just using the speaker line in connections "Connection Option 1: Speaker-Level Only (recommended)" And The manual does state to use Y connector with using only one sub output I wonder if the LFE output on the speaker is sending a signal and crossbreeding them to two different outputs is doing something. Did you try to hook them up to just one lfe output just using a y connector. And I also did have an issue with one of those media bridge RCA cables where it introduced a nasty hum in to my whole system
Yes, I did try hooking up the main speakers with Y connector to each output. Same result - it shuts off
If I have the Y connector to either LFE output with only one speaker - everting works.
If I plug the center speaker LFE to the Y connector + one main speaker, everything works

My conclusion is that the LFE cables and the Y connector are in good shape - they are brand new. Both LFE outputs on the receiver work. Each speaker works fine on its own or in combination with LFE connected center speaker.

UPDATE: I reset my receiver back to factory settings last night. After the rest, the receiver works with both main speakers at very low volumes. Anything louder than -55db it shuts off. I feel like there is some setting in the receiver that I am overseeing, or maybe this receive is just not "good enough" for these speakers.


Audioholic Ninja
Yes, I did try hooking up the main speakers with Y connector to each output. Same result - it shuts off
If I have the Y connector to either LFE output with only one speaker - everting works.
If I plug the center speaker LFE to the Y connector + one main speaker, everything works

My conclusion is that the LFE cables and the Y connector are in good shape - they are brand new. Both LFE outputs on the receiver work. Each speaker works fine on its own or in combination with LFE connected center speaker.

UPDATE: I reset my receiver back to factory settings last night. After the rest, the receiver works with both main speakers at very low volumes. Anything louder than -55db it shuts off. I feel like there is some setting in the receiver that I am overseeing, or maybe this receive is just not "good enough" for these speakers.
It’s possible. I had trouble using a 2003 RXV630 (70w) with 4 towers and a center and a surround center in 6.1 and ended up with a 2003 RXV3300 (130w) which was able to do the job until it was retired in 2017.

The receiver I have now is the RXA2060 (140w) and I’m considering a 5 ch external amp for my 5 base channels in 5.1.4, even though I run only 2 towers these days. (Receiver would run the 4 ceilings). I’ll see after I install my ceiling speakers.


On my 5.1.4 the ceiling speakers will be powered by my Yamaha 2060 receiver.
Oh sry I ment that to OP. I saw his height speakers were connected on the speaker but his amp was not atmos.


For some reason the receiver is going into protection mode. Did you try and run just the right speaker and seeing what happens and then try the left one?


On my 5.1.4 the ceiling speakers will be powered by my Yamaha 2060 receiver.
Oh sry I ment that to OP. I saw his height speakers were connected on the speaker but his amp was not atmos.
I had them connected at the front presence outputs just to see if I can get any sound from the heights (I know my receiver is not atmos). I thought there is a way to use Zone 2 as height speakers, but couldn't make them work that way.


For some reason the receiver is going into protection mode. Did you try and run just the right speaker and seeing what happens and then try the left one?
Yes, each speaker works fine when connected alone to the receiver with the LFE. Just not both.

I just did another test. These speakers have a power cable that plugs into the electrical outlet. I unplugged both speakers (meaning the integrated subs were completely off with zero power) and to my surprise, the receiver still shuts off when both LFE cables are connected. Not sure what that means, but I am surprised. I figured since the subs are not powered the LFE connection should not matter.


Try disconnecting the height speakers from the receiver. If it still shuts off the receiver could be toast.


Or something could be wrong with the rca cable for the lfe output. I know you said they are new, but it could just be a defective cable


Or something could be wrong with the rca cable for the lfe output. I know you said they are new, but it could just be a defective cable
The heights are actually disconnected altogether. I am now trying a third RCA cable but nothing improves. I will try a few more cables, but they work ok when plugged individually.

Another interesting thing: now that the speakers are not connected to the wall, i get about 20 seconds of sound before it shuts off.l the first time. If I turn it back in it only lasts for around 5 seconds. The third time it goes off instantly. Then if I wait a minute I can still get a about 20 seconds of sound (at low volume)


Is there a way you can take a picture of the entire back of the receiver? So every connection is visible


Yeah, but I think something is wrong with the receiver. I just replaced the speaker wires. I removed the monater cables and plugged normal speaker wire. I noticed the left channel didn’t work. Turns out the negative (black) output for the righ channel doesn’t always make a good connection. I had to wiggle it so the speaker started working. Once both speakers were running I reset the receiver again added one LFE at a time. Everything worked fine (both speakers plugged with LFE). Then I touched that black terminal on the back of the reciver and the thing went off. I don’t know how that may have affected the system because during the previous tests the speaker was working fine and I never really moved that cable at all.


Hmmm.... you sure none of the leads are touching the back of the amp where the wires are terminated.

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