Hello and greetings to all you audiophiles! So, back story.....(I know, how boring can I get?) Growing up my pops had a very decent sound system, don't ask me what I just remember him shouting "those are $500 speakers, what are you doing!?". So the ear for decent sound was born. I've servived on hand me downs so far, but the latest pair of speakers, which I've realized thanks to you fine folks were of the white van speakers variety, have blown out on me. My fault, Halloween exhaustion engine at an insane level will truly put any speaker to the test. I've rebuilt these speakers once, when I first inherited them from a neighbor. On too what I have as of now, jvc rx884v, a little vizio sub and the amazing white van speaker "acoustic research dynamics, inc". Yes these are liquid cooled! I kid, I now know that while I was able to coax decent sound out of them, I need something of better quality. So, for two speakers in the 300-400 dollar range, in a short but long wooden floor room, what are my best options to pair with my current reciever? Why can I hear dialogue through my sub? Any and all help, ridicule or internet slap in the face is welcome and appreciated! Here are some pictures...
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