Lets hope you don't get any burn-in. It seems you had a lot good experiences with your plasma. The Panasonic VT60 is really nice, black levels are great. When it comes to shadow detail, nothing touches the Panasonic and Pioneer Kuro plasmas, not even the outstanding OLED displays, at least what I've have seen. However my own experience, as stated before, with my VT60, I experienced aggressive and persistent image retention, even to this day. Other VT and ZT owners complained about the same thing. If I play my Amazon Music app for one or two 5 minute songs, that emblem would stay on my screen for hours or more. I think with Plasma's, LED's and OLED's there is truly a panel lottery.
As for LED's, there is no doubt the picture quality suffers when you watch off axis, not to mention purple, gray and blue blacks, black crush, I hate all of that that's why I never purchased a LED TV. I was very negative towards LED, I always thought they were better for stadiums, billboards and neon signs instead in someone's living room.
I'm more of a Cinema-Phile, me and OLED should be a marriage made in heaven. However sometimes, like beautiful woman, she's gorgeous on the outside, but then she smiles and she has green teeth. I don't know if you've every experienced anything like that, but to me that's clear indication she's not wife material. And no I wouldn't marry her and tell her to start brushing her teeth. Burn-in, panel lifespan issues and black crush are like the green teeth on a beautiful woman.