Your dream home theatre system


Vaughan Odendaa

Senior Audioholic
This would be my ultimate HT system :

Speakers : 7 Gaudi statement speakers for a full fledged 7.1 system (power requirements are steep. 4.4 kilowatts to 9 kilowatts of clean power are required. . .each ! But remember, more power is always a good thing. With great power comes great responsibility.

$250, 000 each. Total = $1, 750, 000

Subwoofers : 8 Wilson XS (two stacked on top of each other or side to side) for LFE (active crossover is an additional $4000 and amplification is seperate. Figure top of the range Halcro amp.

$18, 000 each for subwoofer (excluding amplification). Three Halcro DM88 per XS ($20, 000 each). Distortion must be near zero for me. Whether the amplifier contributes to this low distortion or not is moot.

This is my money and I'll spend it any way I want to !

Total = $596, 000

Then. . .

(4) Krell Master Reference subwoofers (3" aluminum enclosure, 2 15" TC-Sounds drivers with a 2.6 kilowatt Class A amp) for extending the 5 Gaudi's response down to a usable 14hz. The Gaudi has a usable response down to 15 hz but I'll let the Krell MRS take over so that the Gaudi's have absolute headroom.

$28, 000 each. Total = $112, 000

Do not ask me how I would do this or how I would integrate four Krell MRS with 5 massive Gaudi statements. I don't know how, I really don't, nor do I care, but I know that I won't be doing it ! :D

Acoustic treatment : 40 Mondo traps from Real traps straddling room corners. 20 minitraps and 18 microtraps. This is for my room size of 8000 cubic feet.

Figure around $10, 000 to $14, 000 for the lot.

Amp: Halcro DM88 (6 each per Gaudi for a total of 46 DM88's)

Um. .

$20, 000 each. Total = $920, 000

Cable : Lamp cord (I'm an objectivist :D:D:D)


Display (projector) : Digital Projection Highlite 14000HD Projector


Complete room construction + sound proofing (Alpha certified too)

$500, 000

Grand total = $4, 021997, 00.

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Audioholic Warlord
Vaughan Odendaa said:
This would be my ultimate HT system :

Speakers : 7 Gaudi statement speakers for a full fledged 7.1 system (power requirements are steep. 4.4 kilowatts to 9 kilowatts of clean power are required. . .each ! But remember, more power is always a good thing. With great power comes great responsibility.

$250, 000 each. Total = $1, 750, 000

Subwoofers : 8 Wilson XS (two stacked on top of each other or side to side) for LFE (active crossover is an additional $4000 and amplification is seperate. Figure top of the range Halcro amp.

$18, 000 each for subwoofer (excluding amplification). Three Halcro DM88 per XS ($20, 000 each). Distortion must be near zero for me. Whether the amplifier contributes to this low distortion or not is moot.

This is my money and I'll spend it any way I want to !

Total = $596, 000

Then. . .

(4) Krell Master Reference subwoofers (3" aluminum enclosure, 2 15" TC-Sounds drivers with a 2.6 kilowatt Class A amp) for extending the 5 Gaudi's response down to a usable 14hz. The Gaudi has a usable response down to 15 hz but I'll let the Krell MRS take over so that the Gaudi's have absolute headroom.

$28, 000 each. Total = $112, 000

Do not ask me how I would do this or how I would integrate four Krell MRS with 5 massive Gaudi statements. I don't know how, I really don't, nor do I care, but I know that I won't be doing it ! :D

Acoustic treatment : 40 Mondo traps from Real traps straddling room corners. 20 minitraps and 18 microtraps. This is for my room size of 8000 cubic feet.

Figure around $10, 000 to $14, 000 for the lot.

Amp: Halcro DM88 (6 each per Gaudi for a total of 46 DM88's)

Um. .

$20, 000 each. Total = $920, 000

Cable : Lamp cord (I'm an objectivist :D:D:D)


Display (projector) : Digital Projection Highlite 14000HD Projector


Complete room construction + sound proofing (Alpha certified too)

$500, 000

Grand total = $4, 021997, 00.

Personally, I think that would sound like ***. :D



Audioholic Warlord
Vaughan Odendaa said:
Why ?

Well, considering how stinking larger those speakers are, they will be extremely "fun" to place.

Secondly, you have 3 different subwoofers, all capable of 15Hz. Blending those will be nothing short of a miracle.

Lastly, you have enough room acoustic traps to make that room into an anehoic chamber. Can you say borning sound?

Hence, ***-sounding. :)

I'd rather have stuff that works together then the best of the best from different companys.



Forget all these stupid setups

Just move Abbey Road studios into my house, and let all the bands record their albums there so I can listen in the studio for the TRUE sound as its recorded.

For my concert album set up, in my backyard a full wall of Marshall Stacks and have the bands bring all their regular guitars, drum kits, synthesizers etc.

The object is to recreate music as accurately as possible to the original. SO, if money is TRULY no object. WHY recreate!, get those bands here live. I want the bands all lined up on my private stage to play the songs I want to hear in order!

chop chop roadies!!!!

Oh, and I want the Berlin Philharmonic assembled in my bedroom later, I like to listen to classical music at night.

And Diana Krall, I'd like to sleep with Diana Krall at night


this is my ideal sound system:

first i'll need a decagonal or circular room with nice windows and stuff in the daytime, but at night it'll be dark enough to show movies.

i'll have a regular crt television cos i really don't give if it's hi-def or not. then i'll have 4 floorstanding speakers around the room and a subwoofer. i guess that's it.


Audioholic Warlord
And Diana Krall, I'd like to sleep with Diana Krall at night
Mmm, mmmmm ohmmmm, mmmm. I'm a man who loves his Diana Krall.


Vaughan Odendaa

Senior Audioholic

Lastly, you have enough room acoustic traps to make that room into an anehoic chamber. Can you say borning sound?
Not true. Mondotraps are semi-reflective at high frequencies. So are Minitraps. So adding 40 Mondotraps will result in a very well damped low frequency response with minimal ringing.

A single Mondotrap straddling each tri corner with another Mondotrap covering the wall to wall junction and a final trap to cover the ceiling tricorner. Four Mondo traps used for the back wall. A further 4 used for each side wall (with Mondo trap, Minitrap and Microtrap placed evenly around the room). Four Mondotraps to cover the ceiling to wall junction (like the Minitraps) of both side walls.

Two Mondotraps placed on the front wall itself, and, behind the speakers. The speakers would be spaced about 1.5-2 m away from the wall to reduce acoustic interference.

Yes, I still have a number of Mondotraps left but I haven't thought of where I'd put the rest. I doubt I would have space for them so perhaps I should reconsider the number in my ultimate HT system.

This room would be dedicated HT. :D

18 microtraps spaced evenly around my 8000 cubic foot room would not create a dead room. Consider that I'll be putting 6 microtraps per side wall to have ample coverage for 8-12 seats. These panels would be spaced evenly.

A couple microtraps would be used for taming ceiling reflections (approxiately 4 ) again, evenly spaced to cover the required space. The Minitraps would be used for ceiling to wall corners. 6 per ceiling to wall junction. So figure 12 total per side wall, 6 evenly spaced on the ceiling, 4 evenly spaced for the ceiling to wall junction on the front wall (and back wall),

I would use a 2" air gap for the Microtraps. The Mondotraps would have a 4" air gap. The Minitraps would have a 3" air gap between wall spacings.

Dammit, this room should sound as good as it gets.



Senior Audioholic
Sheep said:
Personally, I think that would sound like ***. :D
That reminds me of Steve Martin's "I bought a stereo" sketch.

I bought a Stereo! Wow! With two speakers!
But then I heard the quad with the four speakers and I was like this is it, so I got rid of the stereo and got the quad.
I'm listening to this thing and I'm like "Hey this sounds like S**T!"
So, I got rid of that and got the dodecaphonic with the 12 speakers.
This was more to my liking...for a while. But the ear gets pretty sophisticated pretty fast and I got rid of that and got the milliphonic with the 1,000 speakers.
And I'm listening to that one and I'm like, "Hey, this sounds like S**T too! The other one was S**T one, this one is S**T too!"
So, I traded that in and got the googlephonic, which is the highest number of speakers you can have before infinity.
Sounds like S**T!
So, then I said, "Hey, maybe it's the needle!"
I had the typical diamond needle. I searched around got the moonrock needle, cost me 3 million bucks, but what the hey. So, now I have a googlephonic stereo with a moonrock needle. It's okay for a car stereo, I wouldn't want it in my house.


Only 12 years have gone by. Kaleidescape systems are now in the $6k range, have downloadable true 4k content, and is the only company in the world offering the best, pristine quality with legal downloads from the studios. If you want the best, there is no other.


Such a difficult question to answer but I have heard systems and Installed systems that took by breath away.
For speakers thats such a tuff one but I'll say this.
MBL made in Germany are probably the overall best anything speaker I have ever heard. WOW are they amazing.
Their amps are incredible as well and perfectly mated to their speakers.
Subwoofers I might have to say JL audio. Some of the very best overall sounding subwoofers I have ever heard.
Preamp and amps for today is completely difficult as formats keep changing and less and less people are offering high end killer stuff.
Krell and Mark Levinston and maybe Meridian where top dogs to me years ago but today I'm a bit at a loss as high end stuff is so far behind and is difficult to setup.
For my theater I might use NAD or Integra or maybe Arcam but I'm not sure what to do there.
Projector would be a Sony Laser 4k
Screen would be Stewart and nothing else. There is no screen I would use.
Seating I would use Fortress as I think their seats are incredible.
I would hire Theo Kalimarkus to design me a Stupid killer Star Trek or Star Wars Themed theater room. The Bridge of the Enterprise D might be my personal way to go but with more seats but that look that makes sense.

Now one system that might also get my vote for being one of the best Theaters is JBL Synthesis. We carry them and they are so dynamic so theater like and so clear. They are not the most expensive out there but I think they get you to the ultimate theater experience with ease. Such amazing sound pressure and dynamic punch.


Audioholic Chief
I read about a guy who had bowers nautilus in a 5 know the epic seashell speakers. That would be my dream and overkill but ridiculous none the less. After owning a pair of logan montage, I believe that would be an insane all around setup as well.


Speaker of the House
Staff member
I read about a guy who had bowers nautilus in a 5 know the epic seashell speakers. That would be my dream and overkill but ridiculous none the less. After owning a pair of logan montage, I believe that would be an insane all around setup as well.
Nautilus would make a strange choice for a 5 channel system. A speaker like that would need stand-off distances from walls, so you wouldn't want to place them near surfaces. The center would make for an awkward center speaker, unless you used it behind a acoustically transparent screen, at which point the front stage would eat up a lot of floor space. I'm not saying it would be bad, but you would have to do a lot to accommodate a system like that.


Audioholic Chief
Nautilus would make a strange choice for a 5 channel system. A speaker like that would need stand-off distances from walls, so you wouldn't want to place them near surfaces. The center would make for an awkward center speaker, unless you used it behind a acoustically transparent screen, at which point the front stage would eat up a lot of floor space. I'm not saying it would be bad, but you would have to do a lot to accommodate a system like that.
It was an odd layout, big room so they def sat off the walls. I'll try to find the article, it was really interesting. If I remember correctly there were only 2 seats in the setup. Kinda reminded me of Stonehenge lol

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  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis