If you have Auyssey XT32 SubEQ HT, I am 100% sure you can get a flatter curve with your Omni mic, though you will likely still have to try different crossovers. Again, in my set up, the Audyssey (software) and D&M (hardware, i.e. AVR/AVP) combo just cannot integrate the speakers with the subwoofers to my satisfaction; and I suspect your concept of variable slope could be the key to success. Audyssey claimed that with XT32, they have the resolution to do LFE+Main and setting bass capable speakers to "Large", but the crossover slopes are fixed by the hardware, so while Audyssey's algorithm can determine the best crossover they see fit, if you pick a lower enough XO, the effects of cancellation and boost at the lower range could not be dealt effectively. It is hard for me to express what I wanted to express, but say, in an extreme example, and hypothetically, if the hardware can impose a near brick wall crossover slope, Audyssey should be able to do a better job.
As it is now, I agreed with
@lovinthehd on the following points.
1) Higher crossovers with stereo subs should work better than lower crossover with mono subs or stereo subs but placed in ways that they could be localized.
2) In his post# 4, "their marketing people don't want to offend you about the size of your stuff or something" and post#7, "... they think that because their "largish" speakers are "full range" they get upset if they get set to "small", or sometimes even suggested to be set to "small". Guys often aren't good with stuff like less watts and small speakers ..."
I know it is impossible to convince you room eq, such the imperfect Audyssey can work well for the 15-200 Hz range, especially after you try a more recent AVP fitted with XT, but looking at the graph you posted I have little doubt you give it another chance, by picking up a newer one such as the AV7702 MKII that has XT32 Sub EQ HT. For you though, I would recommend the AV7703 as the minimum so you can play with the $20 Editor App, though that would require a lot of patience (trail and error) and to me must be used with REW/UMik-1 or the Omni mic that you already have. Those who use the editor app without checking after each adjustment with their mic really have to rely on their golden ears.