Okay, so you are going by the volume position and the level adjust/trims instead of a spl meter. Typically speaking, after running Audyssey, you don't get to reference level from you main seat until you crank the volume to 0, the maximum level adjust is +12 dB. So while I understand -30 is loud for you, but even if you set your levels to +12, -30+12= -18, you are no where near reference level from you seat.
Now, there is a worst case scenario, that is, if Audyssey had to set your level adjusts for every channel to -12 in order to get you reference level at volume 0, then if you still adjust the levels to +12, then you would have short change DEQ by a total of 24 dB, in that case you still need to crank the volume up to -30+24 or -6, to get reference level. So that's why you are feeling the DEQ effect, because you were not actually listening at 85 dB at you main seat.