They shouldn't sound all that different. My old RX-V659 and new Yamaha TSR-7810 (Same as an RX-V781) sound almost the same. The main difference is the remote works a lot better on the new one, and it has better video capabilities. Both are too bright, IMHO out of the box, or running YPAO, which really didn't work well at all on the 659, so I set it up manually. On the 7810, I'm about to get my surrounds set up this next week, hopefully, and will see if YPAO is worth anything. So far, running LCR and a junk sub, I'm happy with a simple treble cut in the tone control menu. My main complaint on the 7810 is it keeps turning on the "Enhancer", which does exactly the opposite of what it's claimed to do. My friend's A-2060 does it too. It's a 2 second fix, but it's one of those, "How can they not of fixed this issue with the latest firmware update?", which I got a few days ago.