@gene, As usual very nice review and write up. Just a note, your spot on with your assessment of setting up them towers for proper bass response especially. When I had my LSi- 15’s and since those where my very first towers with a side mounted driver untill I finally had them properly set up and dial in I hated them. Tried everything facing the drivers in, out I almost sent them back had all kinds of bass cancellation issues with my subs. I played around with those towers for over a month each day! Wasn’t till what You posted up that I read in one of your older write ups can’t remember the one exactly. Got a SPL meter alone with X32 yes it’s a good auto-set. Anyway getting carried away here, Those towers just went into my top 3 for speaker Purchase in the near future. Thanks.
PS. I had a pair of NHT bookshelves way back in 91, loved them used those for my very first surround sound set-up as rears. My oldest Son still has them he still uses them in his bedroom set-up very nice lil speakers and Obviously well-built they’ve never been repaired drivers are still in excellent condition.