Putting on my body armor because I feel like this will be a hot button topic...
I am moving into a new place this summer. Rather large living room (appx 3500 cubic feet) and am shopping around for subwoofers. I thought I had my mind made up, but keep feeling like there's something I'm missing, and really would like to avoid any sort of buyer's remorse should I figure out what (if anything) I overlooked before pulling the trigger on a high-quality yet still affordable sub. And, i will be buying a second matching sub later this summer before anyone asks.
So, would like some second opinions.
PB-2000 by SVS versus VTF-2 MK5 by HSU
On paper, they seem VERY similar to me. HSU has a more powerful amp, but the frequency response and output seem rather similar based on what I've looked at (I'm still a novice, so my assessment might be a total wash). But, the price difference is $200 between the PB-2000 and the VTF-2 Mk5.
What is that $200 extra for the PB-2000 buying? Warranty for SVS is 5/5 years for driver/amp, HSU is 7/2 years for driver/amp. SVS does have a 45 day listening period and upgrades within a year, but does that equal $200 worth to people?
Interestingly enough, HSU's VTF-3, the 15 inch version of the VTF-2, is very similarly priced to the PB-2000 (Exact same price, but you have to pay for shipping on the VTF-3). VTF-3 has an even bigger amp and a larger driver that gets similar frequency response, but a decent amount louder due to the larger driver. I don't need this extra volume because I value my hearing and relationships with future neighbors, but still pointing this out as something I noticed, adding to my curiosity.
I've heard nothing but good things about SVS. Are HSU units not constructed to the same standards as SVS? Or, am I paying for the name? I feel like people fanboy out over SVS a little much because it's all i hear about. I'm not contending that they aren't good... I'm just wondering is the hype worth the money for a comparable unit? Or, is there a tangible benefit the PB-2000 has over the VTF-2 that justifies the higher price that I am not understanding?
Also, other recommendations are more than welcome. $800 is what I have to spend at the moment, but I'm still very bang-for-my-buck conscious.