Yamaha Factory Refurbished
Buying a Yamaha Factory Refurbished product is a great way to get "as-new" products at a considerable savings. Every product has been thoroughly tested, repaired (if necessary), cleaned and otherwise renewed to original condition. Next it’s repackaged with original accessories included. When you consider that a factory-renewed Yamaha product undergoes such close scrutiny for defects and workmanship, you might actually be buying something that is in many ways better than new. And for your piece of mind and protection, your purchase is covered by a full 1 year parts and labor warranty valid at any authorized Yamaha repair center (you can look-up locations online
here or call 714-522-9888)
Yamaha, like all electronics manufactures, receives products returned for various reasons. In 2011 consumers returned 17 billion dollars in electronics globally, of which less than 5% were found to be defective! Once a product has been opened it must be resold as refurbished and can’t be resold as new again. The history and reason why a product was returned is not provided to us, thus we can’t provide any additional details regarding its past. All products are processed by Yamaha certified technicians, where they are fully tested, repaired (only if necessary), and retested again to ensure the highest quality control. Each unit must pass a complete battery of test before it can be titled a "Yamaha Factory Refurbished" product.
Most units are Cosmetically in Mint Condition (graded a 9 or higher on a scale of 1-10). Very minor signs of wear (light surface scuffs or minor scratches) may be present, although most units show little or no signs of any usage. We DO NOT sell products that are cosmetically damaged (cracked displays, broken knobs, heavy scratches, or physically abused) unless noted in the description. Unfortunately, we can’t provide actual photos of each unit or pick the best one for anyone, as they are all randomly chosen from our factory sealed boxes.