Of recent Yamaha and marantz receivers are being complained of bugs and hdmi board problem and marantz receivers have less power for money they are good for music but movies - they lack denon punch is it true??
personally have yet to come across any HDMI issues with Yamaha. Have had some handshake issues with some Marantz units, but that could be any number of things and possibly not the receivers. Only receivers I've seen widespread HDMI board problems on has been the series of Onkyo/Integra/Pioneer receivers from a few years ago (they seem to have improved recently).
In regard to Marantz receivers' power ratings, don't just believe the raw numbers every manufacturer states. In my experience, Marantz is more conservative in their ratings than many other brands. If they say 50 Watts per channel, it may be true or even underrated. When you see 100W/channel in a home-theater-in-a-box, don't believe it...like at all. Went to a customers' house recently that wanted me to hook up their Panasonic HTIB and the box said 1000 Watt system. Was claiming 100W/channel x 5 and 500W for the "sub." They were teeny tiny cubes plus a cheap-o bass module. All from an all-in-one BD player/receiver. There is zero way that this particular unit would be pushing that sort of power from that amp, let alone through those speakers, which would instantly blow them. When companies claim wattage, too often they're stating Dynamic power, which is worthless.
Seen the same thing with most every brand on their cheap, budget receivers where most fall victim to the wattage wars, where customers just see two side by side on a Best Buy shelf and are swayed toward the one that states higher power. Yamaha's a perfect example, although they're not as aggregious as some other brands. On their cheap stuff (ESPECIALLY their Costco HTIB offerings), don't believe what you see. On their Aventage line or their sweet integrated amps, they are usually pretty conservative and you'll love the results.