What rock have you been under lol?
I had to. It is just unbelievable to me. Together with the fact that Het never saw the original movie. I really didn't know this is possible. I do follow cinema art closely, that's true, but still I thought this is one of those movies which even today everyone saw given they're over 25.
The MOST promising fact about it is that Ridiculous Scott is not directing it. That man aged poorly (this is me being as polite as humanly possible).
I don't really agree with KEW that Hollywood got better at remakes and think that the least promising fact about the movie is the moment in time when it gets remade. I could barely name one or two remakes that are done well. It's always an empty husk with expensive production value. Eye candy's and nothing more and it's even not a particularly nice candy. (Just a notice; the term "remake" is arguably the least precise term in the theory of cinema, this causes a lot of problems when debating.)
Someone asked before in the thread, it seems Leto will preside over Tyrell Corporation or something similar.
Commonly, when talking about movies, people ascribe the authorship to the director. When you go a bit deeper into the subject you'll see the smallest team to be "blamed" for a movie are the director, cinematographer and screenwriter. Today when movies are being done without chasing the shooting locations and over 50% is sometimes done in front of the green screen (formerly known as blue screen
) you should add at least one other person to the mix and that's the production designer.
This leaves us with:
Dennis Villeneuve
Hampton Fancher, story/screenplay, who wrote the original, so that's promising
Michael Green, screenwriter, (I could only write insults here, so better not) who wrote such BS as Alien: Covenant, Green Lantern and Logan, so this is almost to make one skip the movie entirely
Roger Deakins, camera, who shot No Country For Old Men, Skyfall and Shawshank, so this is as promising, if not more, as the Villeneuve himself
Dennis Gassner, production designer, who already worked with the cameraman on Skyfall and many Brothers Cohen movies and also did work on many great looking movies like: Truman Show, Big Fish, Ladykillers, Into The Woods and similar.
The chances are favorable and Villneueve is still young and spunky (Polytechnique, Sicario...). It's just that Hollywood made me feel stupid whenever expecting anything.
The beginning of the 80' with a bitter taste of 70's politics were just the right amount of cynical in America. And that was needed and welcome especially with that empty-headed twat of an actor for president. Blade Runner was probably among the most Marxist movies of its
time. Now, Villeneueve is obviously a liberal (Arrival) and I'm afraid the deepest he can go on the subject is
let the androids go "free" and find out who and what they can be for themselves type of BS. Something of "facebook-deep" caption of
be who you are or
reinvent yourself. As even the liberals today
understand they are a complete failure in sparking any type of emancipatory politics.