I look forward to seeing the mechanism!
The two you showing dropping looked to be in sync, so I like to fancy it might look a little like an old (usually driven by a water wheel) machine shop with a central drive shaft running from front to back

(except you have drums on the shaft and cables instead of belts) with pulleys on either side for the drop-downs! But then, modern electronics probably allow you to use separate drives for each speaker and still keep them all in sync.
How much clearance do you have between the ceiling and the floor above, and why?
Unfortunately standard stick-frame homes only have 6"-8" or so in this space, but I could see sacrificing a tray ceiling to audio.
It would be nice if you could get a beveled self-aligning system so they nest into tighter clearance.
A quick and cheap (but not as effective) approach to reducing the contrast between the black gaps and light colored ceiling would be to install light colored brush seals/sweeps on the ceiling panels to fill the gap. The brush has the flex to accommodate misalignment, but puts some pressure in areas of interference so as to be aid alignment: