I still don't get the relations between digital information and reproduced sound. I do for some part, but then I get a strange feeling that certain measures are being used both to describe the workings in the digital domain and then later to describe the sound.
Like the other day, I saw a video where someone said something about a sampling frequency and then added how it is unnecessary as humans don't hear above 20kHz. I wanted to say; but you're not listening to the sampling rate, that's just the speed of "reading" a digital file, it seems as if you can't really have high audible frequency without a fast sampling rate (?).
EDIT: later confirmed by
Then there's dynamics which imply both frequency span and dB and I hope in this case dB refers to those SPL dB's, otherwise I'm committing myself. This means that you need sufficient bit depth for music to be loud (or is it just in case it has both loud and silent parts?) and for music to go from low fq to high fq?
EDIT: later confirmed by
Because everyone keeps saying we don't really need hi-res files and then comes Mark Walter in that lecture linked by
@Auditor55 and says; sure, we don't need it until a certain instrument comes and hit a certain note (he was referring to a high pitch of some instrument). But, couldn't you then simply cut out the bottom part and still make it fit to a CD (which is not hi-res for him)
And then there's vinyl, which is said to have the equivalent of 8 bits, so it couldn't take a hi-res recording and yet someone raised this doubt just a couple of posts before. If it's known that vinyl is equivalent to 8 bits, and you need 16 for hi-res (or 24 for Walter), why raise this question? But you could cut digital info into record grooves, right? Like having a bump in the record groove for 1 and silence for 0, is it theoretically possible to record hi-res music onto vinyl this way? No matter how short the song might be, but could it be hi-res? Just make the "1 bump" more pronounced than record "clicks" to make it clear.
Sorry for trying your patience, I'm injured lying in bed, hence the intensified activity.
EDIT: I'm sorry, it's Waldrep. I never heard this surname and couldn't make it out from the video.