Well hello my audiohaulic brethren, what have we here?
In appreciation of the community here and the invaluable information it hath bestowed upon me, your humble compadre in audio adventure, I wanted to let you cats know first about a new venture launched by Callrisian Enterpises. This new line of audio accessories is also inspired by the stintulating research presented on video by our shredded Audiohic overlords. Though to be honest, I am confused why the one called Gene goes from pumped up, to non-pumped, and back again while that Lou Ferrigno cat stays at a contant level of ripped. Seriously, that cat could take on Chewie. Anyway, this new line of products is based on science, not snake oil. Now, it may not always be science that you recognize as such. But rest assured that is only because this science comes from far far away and a long long time ago, and all that. This is no Machina Dynamica new age bs !
I will, from time to time, announce a new product to our line exclusively available to you! I accept payment from PayPal or in spice.
So now, without further adieu, a do, or even Duderino, let me present our first product:
I was horrified to learn you cats still rely on speaker cables! I knew I had to do something to help out my fellows in sonic sensuality!
Now some of you may confuse this with what you call a "coat hanger" (whatever that is. I don't wear coats. Only capes...and the occaisional cloak if truth be told. Sometimes a short jacket.) But do not be confused, this is a bespoke SOLID CORE oxygen free crystalline conductor, shipped straight from the planet Jovan. No cheap Chinese metals for me! Plus, we treat each one to a special carbon freeze cryogenic process that realigns the metallic lattice. Now, Just because any structural changes revert back to normal upon defrosting does not mean this process is pointless. Far from it, my friends, far from it You KNOW it produces extra value and makes it special. Worth every penny. Or grain of spice. Your choice.
Scientific double blind tests on your very planet have demonstrated that a coat hanger can be just as good as exotic cables. If so, imagine how AMAZINGLY BETTER this stuff is going to sound!
I used tons on this stuff when I upgraded the Falcon's sound system to 69.1 surround sound. And this stuff is also handy for bypassing your droids blown motivator.
Trust me my fellow acoustic buccaneers, after all, I know how to make the Kessel Run in UNDER twelve parsecs. And even biwired with litz cable, no Audioquest junk can achieve speed and attack of that magnatude.