I'm listening to the song right now. The bass, whatever it's coming from, does seem somewhat exaggerated, perhaps it was mixed that way. I never was conscious of it until you brought it to my attention. The bass does not reside in the range of my subwoofer however, as attempting to attenuate it had no effect through my system. Interestingly enough, I purchased this song on CD, thinking there might be some non-depressing folk songs on the album as well. This was not the case, and since I have a problem with depression, I have not listened to this CD, until now, since purchasing it years ago. I much prefer Joan Armatrading songs in this genre of music. Perhaps why Joan Armatrading is still popular today and Tracy Chapman has not been heard from. People, it appears, don't seek out to be bummed out. Radio stations also avoid playing the piece too. They want to keep their audience tuned in. At any rate, if you want to see how low you can get, I'm talking about bass not depression, listen to Kayne West's Love Lockdown. This will truly reveal your system's bass reproduction capabilities or shortcomings. I can list some dance music for you to listen to if you're interested.