It's been a long time since I've done that, but yes I have. Is it required before I can enjoy a system? Or can I use my own judgement on what I need and why? People get way to worked up on specs, it becomes a religion of sorts, now don't take me wrong specs are a important basis, but that's all they are, and they are abused, misused, exaggerated much like statistics are. Of course don't tell a statics major that or they blow a gasket or I guess in this case a driver. LOL
In woofers the harder you can drive them the better they perform at low frequencies, within reason, and if they have a high BL they can image very well at close to peak Xmax. Your weighted-not-weighted averaging isn't going to tell the difference between noise and a nice tight clean imaging, nothing is perfect especially measuring unless you go to great extremes and have a anechoic chamber for testing. And no I didn't test my system in a controlled environment either.