I am 74 and have been involved with high fidelity since the 1950's where I started building Heathkits,Eico,Knight Kits and others.. After all these years I have never been so excited about the sound of Hi-Fi since my first 20 watts Williamson amp and preamp from Heathkit. I had an 8" speaker in a cabinet on a bookshelf and I was incomplete jazz nirvana. I played trombone since I was ten and have alway's been interested in music first and sound second not to say that I don't like good sound but want the best bang for the buck.
I love the Audioholics as it always brings sanity back to the world of audio. As I have been a musician for all these years you know that I am not a wealthy man. I have had many components over the years mostly what so0me would mid-fi but man they sounded good to me. So in my later years I have on hand Paradigim,Phase Tech,Onkyo,Yamaha,Oppo,Denon which make up five systems not counting the garage.
I can live comfortably with these products and I didn't go broke or into debt to get the sound I consider just top notch. I was wondering how many music lovers have got to the point of sticking with their equipment and not buying the latest or greatest new thing. Just an old guy museing.