How many times have you had this same Class A, Class AB, Class what-the-freak discussion/minor disagreement ?
I just took at look at this thread and it seemed like major echoes and deja vu from the last 1/2 dozen times I saw the same discussion, with the same end points.
In my mind, you have this topic figured out, sliced and diced, edited and noted, summarized and annotated and generally mastered (if mastery is a thing in audio). It would seem that all you should need to do from here on out is just cut n paste from previously cited writings, put in hotlinks, or just use footnotes.
You could also just go with ibid. Save yourself some aggravation and typing.
If I ever have another amplifier question, I know right where to go. If there's something you don't know about amps, I'm not sure its relevant or audible. Its not likely that I will have one anytime soon because I took your advice on my last purchase and it sounds fantastic and probably will keep sounding fantastic for years. Be well.