Hi Chris, that's a tough room. Can you shoot a picture of the other side? Seems to me from the ones you've posted, the stairs look like the best place for the tv and that would give better options for surround speaker placement. It seems to me also that your ideas for the space aren't being fairly considered. If it were me, would have to point out that "I live here too", and also, the point isn't simply to "hear the tv just fine". It's to experience it in a different way. I wish it were that easy, good luck on that front. As far as speakers, Jamo is a good danish builder and reputable, as well as kef(not danish lol) but I've never heard the eggs, and the MS's should sound good as well. IIRC, mirage speakers used to have a bracket that mounted to the top of the TV and held the L/R speakers off to the sides. I'll see if I can find that. Good luck.