These are not full range, but a 2 way (with "fancy" xover - ie single cap on tweeter)
These are not full-range speakers. 43hz-3.8khz is usable range
TBH: Both terrible choices. Going with in-ceiling only system - including fronts is a huge mistake.
Just Use the Sony AVR you bought (rated at 90W clean power into 6ohm, lets say 60w clean into 8, still plenty) - get a pair of towers which easy to power and enjoy the 2 or 2.1 with one/two good subs.
One option is a pair of these on stands:
Assuming near wall placement, 12ft distance (guessing here) and 60w/2ch (again estimation) you could get about 106.5dB SPL at listening position. Just enough for full THX reference level
Pair it with HSU sub and you'd be happy - I guarantee you - remove/sell old speakers and patch the holes.
Stop throwing away money on crap