I think what you mean is that CNN is more careful verifying their news reporting. The distinction is important. More prominent perhaps are the analysis pundits, who enjoy more air time than actual news reporting. CNN's regular reliance on merchants of doubt to give the impression of a balanced viewpoint does more harm than good. "Think tanks" have no business being associated with news. They're the primary source for man made climate change denial, uncertainty about the environmental impact of fracking, and every other controversial topic benefiting big business where science should have the last word but somehow doesn't.
On the other hand, the actual news parts of Fox News also adhere to rigorous standards for journalism, and they do a good job of reporting what is, rather than what we should think. The problem there, though, is that the Fox News channel resembles news about as closely as the History channel resembles history. Actual news coverage only earns an hour or so per day of air time.